Well Known Member

i'm in the planning stages of a 2.5 week trip to the states next summer, including the week of OSH of course.
(and plan on doing daily picture updates again ;-) thanks for all the kind comments last summer)

i'll fly in on jul 25, then visit with friends in the st.louis area, head to oshkosh on the 28th til about saturday or sunday and then travel to the wash d.c./nyc area including the air&space smithsonians before heading home to switzerland on the 10th of august.

are there any flying RV(preferably 7A) owners along the St.Louis-Chicago-Oshkosh or D.C.-Philadelhia-New York axis (or on the way to/from osh) that would be willing to give me a ride / spend a day/s poking some holes in the sky? of course i'd pay for fuel and the landing fees (you lucky guys!) in the form of a dinner or so...
i've taken the factory demo and had the opportunity to fly along in a 7A for a few hours, but that was back in december of 2004...

also i'm looking for travel tips/points of interest along these 2 paths which are related to flying/technology/science/military etc... great museums? tours? stuff you don't find in the average tourist guide, that kind of thing.

things i absolutely mustn't leave out?

thanks a lot for your pointers,

kind regards,
Must See

I know you will enjoy your stay. Along the route from OSH to DCA lies Wright Patterson AFB, (near Dayton, Ohio) the home of the USAF Museum. It's a must see for aviation buffs. 4 large hangars and an outdoor display will take a least one day to see and preferably 2.
Enjoy your trip. Hope you can find a ride.

Let me know when you are going to be in the DC area. I fly out of KGAI, North of Washington, DC and would be happy to show you around from the sky.
thanks for your replies, exactly what i'm looking for :)

and thanks mike for offering the opportunity for a ride. wish you a successfull phase 1!

more tips still welcome, of course.

kind regards,