
Well Known Member
This will be my first time flying in. I live in Milwaukee, planning to go up Wednesday night during the short window between the afternoon and evening airshows.

I've been studying, looks like they want you off the hard surface asap and on the grass. We just had the plane painted, I'm worried about the wheel pants. Does anyone pull them off for the last leg of their OSH arrival? Is the grass pretty smooth?

I was watching a friend's video from last year, his skyhawk's front wheel hit a rut / puddle that nearly buried it to the axle. It kept moving just fine, but that would destroy a wheel pant.
Never has an issue in my -7 or in my buddy?s -6A both with pants. Grass is rolled and cut, but not a putting green. Shouldn?t be an issue if you keep a moderate pace and follow the trafficked routes through the grass. Keep the pants on and enjoy the OSH experience. My $.02

This will be my first time flying in. I live in Milwaukee, planning to go up Wednesday night during the short window between the afternoon and evening airshows.

I've been studying, looks like they want you off the hard surface asap and on the grass. We just had the plane painted, I'm worried about the wheel pants. Does anyone pull them off for the last leg of their OSH arrival? Is the grass pretty smooth?

I was watching a friend's video from last year, his skyhawk's front wheel hit a rut / puddle that nearly buried it to the axle. It kept moving just fine, but that would destroy a wheel pant.
This will be my first time flying in. I live in Milwaukee, planning to go up Wednesday night during the short window between the afternoon and evening airshows.

I've been studying, looks like they want you off the hard surface asap and on the grass. We just had the plane painted, I'm worried about the wheel pants. Does anyone pull them off for the last leg of their OSH arrival? Is the grass pretty smooth?

I was watching a friend's video from last year, his skyhawk's front wheel hit a rut / puddle that nearly buried it to the axle. It kept moving just fine, but that would destroy a wheel pant.

This is my 19th trip to OSH with my RV-6. Have never had a problem with my two piece pressure recover wheel pants that Vans sells when installed according to their instructions.