Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
Our annual pilgrimage to Oshkosh is not far away, so its time to sort out the usual RV-8/8A builder/flyer/wannabe meeting. Looking at the forum schedules, and trying to avoid presentations with significant interest to typical RV builders, Tuesday at 10:00 looks promising. I propose our traditional meeting place at the east end of the Theatre in the Woods - i.e. the end towards the flight line.

I decided to avoid Monday, as many folks would be running around talking to vendors, trolling through the Sea of RVs, or whatever else their number one OSH priority is. Many people start leaving after Tuesday, so Wednesday or later is less desirable. That leaves Tuesday.

I used to also propose a second meeting late in the week, to cover the folks who arrive late and stay through the weekend, but that one has been very poorly attended the last couple of years, so I suggest we drop it. I'll likely be gone by Friday, but if anyone else is really interested in a second gathering late in the week, feel free to propose the details in this thread.


Subject: RV-8/8A builder/flyer/wannabe meeting
Schedule: Tuesday, July 26th at 10:00 AM
Location: Theatre in the Woods, at the east end (facing the flight line)

If anyone has a good argument was to why some other date or time is better, make your case and let others weigh in. I'll let this thread percolate for a few days, and then nail down the final details after everyone has had their say.

See you there. I'll be somewhere in HBC if we don't cross paths otherwise.
I want to be there but our RV-6 activities will prevent me at that time slot on Tuesday. Monday or Wednesday will work for me.
I want to be there but our RV-6 activities will prevent me at that time slot on Tuesday. Monday or Wednesday will work for me.
Is this related to the 30 year anniversary celebrations? If so, where can I find that on the schedule? I'm not finding it either on the EAA site, or in the iOS app.
Thanks again for setting it up! Alas, I will not be there this year, and it has nothing to do with me selling Miss Sue. I'll always be an RV-8 GUY, and I'll always make our little get together in the woods. Too many really nice folks to see and meet.

You folks have fun
Is this related to the 30 year anniversary celebrations? If so, where can I find that on the schedule? I'm not finding it either on the EAA site, or in the iOS app.

If your email had not been delayed delivery, you would already know that there is a 30-RV formation scheduled to take off @ 11. Air Boss & those in the flight know about it. All RV activities have not yet been published & most likely this is not one EAA would announce in advance.
I should have closed the loop on this many days ago, but it has been a crazy week.

No one proposed another date and time, so we'll stick with the original proposal:

Schedule: Tuesday, July 26th at 10:00 AM
Location: Theatre in the Woods, at the east end (facing the flight line)

See you there.

Fly safe. Have fun.
