How do you feel about runway/arrival photos?

  • I'm grateful even though only a small % of photos are processed and make it to the web site

    Votes: 46 59.0%
  • I would be understanding if my aircraft wasn't one of the aircraft posted

    Votes: 17 21.8%
  • I would be upset if my aircraft wasn't posted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I really don't care either way, runway arrival photos aren't important to me

    Votes: 23 29.5%
  • Either take photos of all the arrivals or don't take any at all.

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
A friend of mine has been a volunteer photographer at OSH taking photos of all the homebuilts for the judges. In their spare time, they try to take as many photos of aircraft landing as possible.

The photos are placed on a very obscured link on and it's hard to find. The direct link is:

I was pleasantly surprised to find a photo of my RV-10 coming off of RWY 36.

There have been some discussions around the value of taking the runway photos at OSH. The team literally takes thousands of photos, but only hundreds make it to the web site. There is a significant amount of post processing that takes place and the team doesn't want to post badly composed photos.

Since they don't have the resources to take 100% of arriving aircraft, my friend was interested in how pilots feel about that only a small subset of the arrivals getting published photos.

He also requested that we collectively let the folks at EAA HQ know how appreciative we are of whatever photos that they are able to take and process.



Thanks for the link Bob

I found mine in the 2012/27 July lot...(Actually 2 of them..C-GDBH RV-4 )

Too Bad we can't use them as wallpaper...they are protected I think..

Will try to make it again this year..

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Thanks for the link Bob

I found mine in the 2012/27 July lot...(Actually 2 of them..C-GDBH RV-4 )

Too Bad we can use them as wallpaper...they are protected I think..

Will try to make it again this year..


You can download them. I know that I was able to grab mine.
I might add that I've been told that the team has worked through the logistics of taking a 100% of the arrivals, but the logistics are overwhelming. Specifically, the post processing that they perform to get quality output.
Maybe they should only take photos of the experimental, warbird, and antique aircraft.

Yeah, yeah, I know..politically incorrect ;)
Dan, I agree! How many Bananzas, Mooneys, Cessnas, other spam-cans do you really go all the way to OshKosh to see?

PS: I don't believe in PC
Too Bad we can use them as wallpaper...they are protected I think..

It can be done..............................

A buddy who is in the computer business showed me how to do it------used the "snipping tool" in the start menu, copied and saved to a photo file folder.

Pain in the butt, but doable.

Spam cans still get you there

Personally, I would be thrilled if someone took a picture of me landing my spam can at Oshkosh (1500 NM away from home). I don't understand the elitism of some homebuilders sometimes. Put them in a separate file folder so we can look at only RV's if we want though.

P.S. Nice to see some of the SacRVators make the front page of VAF.
I do not fly into Oshkosh during Airventure specifically because I do not want photos of my plane plastered all over the internet.