Hold the phone! Who is slacking around here? I did a search and found nothing...

WOO, HOO!! Oshkosh 2018 is coming! It is all "official" because the 2018 notam is here : https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-fly-in-flying-to-oshkosh/eaa-airventure-oshkosh-notam Once again, there will be spotted cow, tall grass, good people, chaos, an lots of grumpy pilots between Ripon and the field. Sign me UP!

We'll see ya' on the field once again.

Thanks Scott -hard copy on the way, pdf loaded on the iPad!
Thanks...gotta order the hard copy. I'm going for the full-immersion HBC experience this time, and I do mean full immersion if it rains hard!!
NOTAM Ordered

Thanks for the heads up on the NOTAM.
The link worked fine, got it ordered
Not ready to fly in to the fly-in yet... but hope to celebrate this release someday. In the meantime, I'm waiting patiently for Van's Banquet and Beer Social notices ;)

Hey everyone,

Please read, understand and read again the NOTAM. Commit it to memory. Google earth the routes, know the landmarks and practice flying it in your mind.

I have a unique perspective flying the Bell 47's. Sunday's are the worst. Last year I went head to head with a Bonanza who was not even close to where he was supposed to be and not responding to direction. I dropped to 200' to avoid him. This one plane disrupted traffic on all runways as everything stopped so the controllers could reset.

I could go on. Additionally, practice that slow flight and holding altitude. You might be behind a Cub or some other slow plane. Lets all be ready!!
I could go on. Additionally, practice that slow flight and holding altitude. You might be behind a Cub or some other slow plane. Lets all be ready!!

To piggyback, spot landings are good practice too, plus try to do all the above at or near GW if you plan to come loaded, especially if you don't routinely fly at GW.
Not ready to fly in to the fly-in yet... but hope to celebrate this release someday. In the meantime, I'm waiting patiently for Van's Banquet and Beer Social notices ;)

You got three months. Quit loafing and get er done! :D

Actually, due to a health issue, I missed OSH one year. I had the pink slip, but the RV and me weren't quite ready to fly.