nice picts, I enjoyed them.

looks like the weather is pretty nice too.

your plane looks Sweet.
NIce photos and web site

Wow, Bernie. I really like your photo album, not just the photos which are excellent, but also the layout.
It's always nice to read the account of a first-timer to Airventure. I hope you find the Oshkosh experience and our country a pleasant experience.
Please post more of your excellent photos!.
Your link is worthy of a thread all by itself!
Best wishes,
Don (Wishing I were there!)
hi don,

glad you like them!
it's the essence from 3 cameras minus about 80% deleted ;-)

i use with the "bananalbum" skin by the way, both freeware.

and don't worry about my (positive) experience with the states ;-)
it's about my fifth trip to the U.S., one of it having been a high school senior as a foreign exchange student 10 years ago. (LeCenter, MN)
By the way, if you think about being a host family or sending your kid abroad, do it! It was the experience of a lifetime, you learn a lot more than the language and i definitely caught on to the american way of life ;-) I probably wouldn't be building an RV either.
i think RV Builders would make great host families, by the way...

signing off for another long day at osh ;-)

kind regards, bernie
By the way, if you think about being a host family or sending your kid abroad, do it! It was the experience of a lifetime, you learn a lot more than the language and i definitely caught on to the american way of life ;-) I probably wouldn't be building an RV either.
i think RV Builders would make great host families, by the way...

My wife and I definitely agree with that statement! She was an AFS exchange student to Solothurn, Switzerland in 1966 and I was her host "brother". Although my parents were not the RV builders in this case, she let me build our first RV in our living room and shot every single rivet in it. I guess being an exchange student teaches you to take a more adventurous outlook on life. After 39 happy years of marriage and building 5 RV's we still marvel at what that exchange programm brought to our lives.

Friday it's off to Alaska in our new RV7A.

Martin and Claudia Sutter
building and flying RV's since 1988
RV6 N868CM RV7A N678CM
Thanks everyone ... no good pictures from tuesday. My little one did alittle more a kidventure ... still haven't made it to the main event yet.
Great photos. Walking thru the RV camping area, it was like seeing a bunch of celebrities. All the planes that I've seen only in pictures, there they are in front of me. Checkoway, Reeves, Rosales, John Williams, who's paint job I might steal, and your's also Allen(by the way, very nice) and others who's names I don't know. This was my first trip to OSH, but not my last. I'm home already and am starting to regret leaving. Keep the pictures coming!
Another vote on the exchange student experience

My family has hosted exchange students for several years with an organization called Youth for Understanding ( It has been a wonderful experience.

We will welcome our fifth student in about three weeks. Her name is Romy and she is from Solothurn Switzerland.

Our other kids have been:

Alexander from Denmark (2003)
Hedda from Sweden (2004)
Emma from Sweden (2006)
Amalie from Denmark (2007)

We keep in regular touch with our kids and have gone to Europe on holiday to visit with them and their families.

RV-8 flying

i like your love story, it's so nice that it's almost cheesy ;-)
hope your host parents approved...
my host sister was about 2 and a half and i ain't no wacko, still had an awesome time :)
and your match was obviously perfect, many couples would be happy it were that way...
let me know when you visit switzerland, we'll have to meet up!

in the meantime, have a safe and pleasant trip to alaska, i'm sure it will make up for some of what you may have missed here at osh.

glad that you have good experiences to report, hope it'll be no different with the swiss coming up ;-)
you are also invited to get in touch with me when you visit switzerland, i'll take you up for a spin around some famous mountains (although with something else than our rv, unless it will be already flying)

regards, bernie
just getting ready for another day at the show.

p.s. somewhat of a cliche among future host families is that girls are nicer, easier to handle and can potentially cause less trouble, so a lot of them request girls while the organizations have a harder time placing boys. my experience is just the opposite, out of all the 60 or so exchange students in minnesota during my year, if there were problems with homesickness, not blending into a family, drinking, overblown expecations etc... it was all girls ;-)
and i'm sure a guy wouldn't mind helping to buck rivets once in a while... although this shouldn't be the main motivation for hosting of course *G*
Thanks so much for the great pictures. I couldn't make it this year and because of you guys I almost feel like I was there. :) :)
Great Slideshow


Great job on the the pics. I could have stayed home and saved a whole lot of money and just visited your site. Sorry we didn't get to meet you guys at the BBQ. Maybe next time.
gmcjetpilot said:
That's a hot tee-shirt in Wed pics. I want a cut of the profits on all sales, lol. I figure they'd go for at least $50. :p Life's too short not to laugh, hilarious. I love it.

I got a kick out of it too!!