
Well Known Member
A heads up for planning if you're flying into OSH tomorrow (Saturday, 21st).

The Bonanza group will depart Rockford (RFD) at noon for arrival at OSH about 12:30pm. Other traffic will likely be held until the Bonanza group has landed.

The Cessna group will depart Dodge County (UNU) about 1:30pm to follow the Bonanzas. Apparently they did not receive permission for a group arrival, so will be using the RIPON-FISKE VFR route.

The Mooney group will depart Madison (MSN) at 3:30pm for arrival at OSH about 4:00pm. Other traffic will likely be held until the Mooney group has landed.

So....arrival on Saturday afternoon should be interesting. And those three airports will be congested until the groups depart. Heads up and be safe!!

OSH Arrivals

I won't be at Airventure this year, but I'm already making plans to take my grown son with me next year. Every year that I've flown into Oshkosh has been different. But last year was the best as I arrived at 07:10 on Saturday morning (just after the tower opened) and honestly I was the only airplane from RIPON all the way to Runway 27.
I still hope I live to see the day (and I'm not that old!) to see a mass arrival of RV's like the Bonanzas do, complete with our own pre-approved arrival procedure.
Oooh, I hope this doesn't come across as a Bonanza bashing. The point is that it's the EXPERIMENTAL Aircraft Association, and RV's make up the most numerous EXPERIMENTAL aircraft make, so we should be able to have a mass fly-in with a pre-approved procedure (that means everyone else has to hold) and a reserved parking place. Well, we already have the parking place.
You know what? After writing all this, I sure wouldn't want to organize such a thing, just see it.
Ain't this a wonderful country?
I didn't think I would miss going this year, but I think reality is hitting me. Oh well, there's Doug's daily updates and there's next year.
You guys keep us up to date on the news from Airventure.
See ya,