Bill is a great stick! He is a former State Farm pilot (who bases at my home airport), and has his T-6 in frequently for regular maintenance in Bloomington. Glad to hear he and his son are ok...
That airplane used to belong to my father, and later my uncle (who wasn't my uncle when he bought it from my Dad). That airplane has a very romantic aviation history/story in our family. Even though it has been gone for over 30 years, it was the subject that wove its way through two professional flying careers.

After many years of wondering where the airplane had gone, and whether or not it was still flying. . . My Dad found the airplane doing a Google search, just last week. I emailed Bill Leff to make contact, tell him the story, and try to arrange to see the airplane again someday.

He bought the airplane from my uncle back in 1975.

I watched the video, Bill did an awesome job. Thankfully he and his passengers are alright, and a piece of history was preserved.

Thought you guys might be interested. . . if not? Feel free to disregard.
We saw it

We flew in the AirVenture Cup Race from Dayton that morning. The post race party was at "Wendt's on the Lake" and our room was at West Bend so we were driving south on 41 from Johnson St. and I saw the biggest collection of flashing emergency lights ever. I made the standard "What the .... is going on there" comment to my wife and as we drove by the scene I saw a silver AT-6 with tip plates on the wings sitting in the north bound lane. From my position I could see no dammage but there evidently was some on the opposite wing. The airplane was literally across the road from runway 27 at Fond Du Lac. North bound traffic was backed up a long way but we sailed right by in the south bound lanes. I wondered how they would ever get it off the highway without destroying it but when we drove to Fond Du Lac to turn in our car and fly home this morning there was no sign of any problem.

Bob Axsom