
Well Known Member
Heading to OSH this year in your RV-4? On the fence? Need some fresh motivation to finish that 18-year-old project? ;) Well - maybe this will push you over to the "I'm going" side!

The RV-4 is officially 40 years old in 2019, and we've be in discussions recently with EAA because they'd like to work with us -- and all of you -- to see if we can have a special RV-4 parking area and do some other stuff to celebrate the RV-4! We'll update here as we nail down details, but in order to get started we need to line up some helpers!

We're in talk to try to arrange RV-4 participation in a "homebuilt review" style fly-by, and some other possibilities. EAA has said they'll help arrange a meeting place for a get-together if we like.

Ultimately, we are looking to the RV-4 community to see what you'd like to do! These things can't happen without community involvement to help drive it, to be sure. So -- If you're interested in participating or helping coordinate some part of this, let me know!

From the mothership, our working plan right now is that Van will present a forum covering the history of the RV-4, where it came from and the role it played in propelling Van's Aircraft in its early days.

Should be a lot of fun!
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This is very cool. I will be flying my -4 will the Rocky Mountain Renegades at OSH this year. It would be fun to do a solo acro demo with it. And also the other fun stuff. I wish our friend Hans was still doing his solo acro demo it was outstanding too

If anyone from Vans Aircraft or EAA needs to specifically get in touch with RV-4 pilots easily, I am one of a few admin for an RV-4 only pilots page on Facebook that is very active. We have a very active group of ONLY RV-4 pilots. If I can be of any assistance, please reach out to me. I?m happy to provide an email or phone number and grant access to the private RV-4 pilots group if it aids in organizing.
Count me in. Will be my first time to Airventure. To be a part of the RV-4 birthday will be awesome.

Well to make it an international affair, I will be there from Canada ;-)

We are in !!

Wife says we are in! After all, we got married in our -4, and she loves OSH..Looking forward to it!
I'd like to do the Airventure Cup Race as well. Any others interested in that? It's on Sunday morning KMVN-KAUW (fuel stop TBD). Those of us that do could do a mass arrival to OSH from AUW.
A special parking area would be great. Thinking about coming mid week this year instead of the first Sunday. Question for future organizers. Would the area be accessible after the week begins?
Sounds like we have pretty good interest - I will send out some more info as soon as we have it. Anyone interested, feel free to keep commenting here and we can form a list.

Anyone willing to help coordinate, please let me know!
UPDATE and RV-4 Anniversary Parking sign-up form from EAA

Quick update on the RV-4 40th Anniversary at OSH:

Please follow this link to pre-register with EAA if you're wanting to fly your RV-4 in and park in the special RV-4 parking area.

I've just spoken with Charlie Becker at EAA, and he's advised that while this special RV-4 parking are is for parking only, they will also set up a separate tent camping area for those who wish to camp on the grounds while parking the airplane in the RV-4 Anniversary parking. The tent camping are will be located around the home-built camping pavilion I am told, so you can be right there with all your RV friends!

We're working on some additional details here at Van's, too. And it looks like we may be able to put on a special forum presentation, with a Very Special Speaker who'd cover the history and design of the RV-4 from a first-person, in-the-know perspective and its significant role in getting the kit aircraft business off the ground.

More details when we have them for ya! Meanwhile, please sign up using the above link, so EAA can start planning ahead!


Excellent!! I just registered. My RV-4 has been there before I bought it, but this will be my first trip to AirVenture. Also, I'm a race nut, so I'll be competing in the AirVenture Cup as well. I can't wait!!
Any more news on the parking and camping? I've got everything purchased for my stay except the camping. Can't wait!
Weather & FISK arrival traffic permitting I'll be flying in & camping, 7/21 - 7/25 'ish, in my recently acquired RV-4 :)
N40CM is registered, This is first time for flying the RV4 since I acquired her, however she has been there before. I flew to Osh in 2015 with my Homebuilt Sonerai, Looking forward to doing the trip again!
Any more news on the parking and camping? I've got everything purchased for my stay except the camping. Can't wait!

I spoke with EAA about this a couple days ago and have an update. Those who park their aircraft in the special RV-4 40th anniversary parking area will be provided a camping space to pitch a tent in the homebuilt camping area. The most likely location is right by the Homebuilt Camping Pavilion, which is at the west end of the Papa 1 taxiway. Another possibility if it's needed is an area located in the southwest portion of homebuilt camping. More details soon, once we have them from EAA.

The RV-4 40th anniversary aircraft special parking area will be located close to where the Van's tent used to be (note that they've relocated all the vendors from that area this year to where the federal pavilion used to be). So, that's on the south side of the P1 taxiway right by the warbirds area and close to the flightline. In the past there was a Subway in that same spot - so if you remember that, you know the spot.

We're pretty excited, and we have a call planned with EAA this coming week to some get more stuff nailed down. Devin from Columbia, SC will be flying his RV-4 in, and have agreed to help coordinate things. He and I will post more info as soon as we have it!

Meanwhile, if you've not yet signed up to bring your RV-4 and park it in the anniversary parking, please go ahead and do so! Again, here's the link:
Helping Coordinate the Celebration of the RV-4

As Greg said, I am pleased to help organize the 40th anniversary festivities of the RV-4. The most important part will be owner and pilot participation! We have a facebook group for RV-4 Pilots. I would also encourage RV-4 pilots and builders using that social media platform to join. I have the link attached below. We have been using polling methods and group messaging on the facebook group to help organize our thoughts for the meet up at Oshkosh. More to come later this week. In the mean time, stay tuned and please join the RV-4 Pilots facebook page (and answer the admin questions) to get in the conversation there as well!!!

I spoke with EAA about this a couple days ago and have an update. Those who park their aircraft in the special RV-4 40th anniversary parking area will be provided a camping space to pitch a tent in the homebuilt camping area. The most likely location is right by the Homebuilt Camping Pavilion, which is at the west end of the Papa 1 taxiway. Another possibility if it's needed is an area located in the southwest portion of homebuilt camping. More details soon, once we have them from EAA.

The RV-4 40th anniversary aircraft special parking area will be located close to where the Van's tent used to be (note that they've relocated all the vendors from that area this year to where the federal pavilion used to be). So, that's on the south side of the P1 taxiway right by the warbirds area and close to the flightline. In the past there was a Subway in that same spot - so if you remember that, you know the spot.

We're pretty excited, and we have a call planned with EAA this coming week to some get more stuff nailed down. Devin from Columbia, SC will be flying his RV-4 in, and have agreed to help coordinate things. He and I will post more info as soon as we have it!

Meanwhile, if you've not yet signed up to bring your RV-4 and park it in the anniversary parking, please go ahead and do so! Again, here's the link:
Does this mean we are being provided free camping, or should we go ahead and purchase the standard week long camping pass?

I spoke with EAA about this a couple days ago and have an update. Those who park their aircraft in the special RV-4 40th anniversary parking area will be provided a camping space to pitch a tent in the homebuilt camping area. The most likely location is right by the Homebuilt Camping Pavilion, which is at the west end of the Papa 1 taxiway. Another possibility if it's needed is an area located in the southwest portion of homebuilt camping. More details soon, once we have them from EAA.

The RV-4 40th anniversary aircraft special parking area will be located close to where the Van's tent used to be (note that they've relocated all the vendors from that area this year to where the federal pavilion used to be). So, that's on the south side of the P1 taxiway right by the warbirds area and close to the flightline. In the past there was a Subway in that same spot - so if you remember that, you know the spot.

We're pretty excited, and we have a call planned with EAA this coming week to some get more stuff nailed down. Devin from Columbia, SC will be flying his RV-4 in, and have agreed to help coordinate things. He and I will post more info as soon as we have it!

Meanwhile, if you've not yet signed up to bring your RV-4 and park it in the anniversary parking, please go ahead and do so! Again, here's the link:
Hold off for another day or so


Hold off another couple days or so on the camping pass. I am waiting to see if there will be any deals or special areas. That will be discussed this week on the conference call. I personally haven't purchased any week passes or camping passes yet.

Does this mean we are being provided free camping, or should we go ahead and purchase the standard week long camping pass?
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I'll hold off on the camping pass. My Airventure Cup Race pass included the week long entrance pass, so I'm good on that.

Thanks for the update...