
Well Known Member
I'm driving to OSH (can't fly as I have specific return time constraints) and was wondering about Camp Scholler (sp?). I'm meeting a friend there who is driving up the day before.
Will he be able to reserve a spot for me? Can I just park and camp at his site? What have others done in this situation? The web site says one car per site but doesn't mention reserving a spot, etc.

Squatters rights

Scholler does not do "reservations" as far as I know. You just get in the gate and pick a spot afterwards. Whoever gets to the party first gets the best spot. Your friend could easily "reserve" adjacent sites by planting his tent in one site and parking his car in the 2nd site until you arrive. I believe this must be a fairly common activity for situations like yours.

Aye, Painless. Good point about the flightline spots. I was near the highway and the gestapo was nonexistant.
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Usually the restraints at the sites are not as strict as is stated in the campground rules. It depends on where your site is. Closer to the flightline, the campground gestapo do get there noses out of joint if you rope off an area to save for folks. Further out toward the highway it is not so much a problem.

Your friend should be able to save room for you, but you will still have to pay the nightly camping fee for yourself if you bring your own tent etc. One option is for you to buy an overflow parking pass for the small lot that is at the west edge of the campground. Then have your buddy pick you up there and then you can avoid paying to camp at his site.

Enjoy your stay!

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I've got a cheap bike that I'm bringing for transportation from the campsite to the flight line and in to town, etc so it is OK if we are a little farther out.
Thanks for the info!
