
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Just wanted to take a quick few minutes to give everyone a quick THANKS for a phenomenal OSH this year. It's a bit different to be on my side of the fence as a vendor as well as being a builder.

This year is by far the BEST show I've ever attended. For me personally last year (2007) was a flippin miserable year - the Chelton debacle, Dan Lloyd crashing, cutting my finger off in a prop, so on and so forth. What I'm getting at is this year there were SO many of you who stopped by just to say hi that it really reminded me of why I do what I do - The people as a whole are just one really neat group. We sat around with a bunch of builders, other vendors, etc.. drinking way to much beer in the evenings and had a wonderful time. The weather was great, and the show was so busy that we again can't thank everyone enough. We don't have the fanciest booth, or the most expensive display, but even still a veritable TON of you stopped by. I met a LOT of people in person that I've talked to so that was nice.

Anyway, I'll quit rambling. I just wanted to really let everyone know how much we sincerely appreciated everyone who stopped by, even if it was only to say hi - it's nice to meet a lot of you face to face. This year over many others reminded me of why I go to OSH as both a vendor and a builder. Sure the EAA itself has some significant room for improvement, but as a whole I'm very glad we went. One thing is I wish we'd have brough more of the "broke" T-Shirts, but since some people told me before the show they were tacky I only had 150 made - I think as a whole everyone who saw them got a really good laugh! Would you believe that we gave away ALL 150 of those shirts withing the first 15 minutes of Monday Morning?!?!?! I sort of felt like the Beetles there for about 10 minutes! :)

Have a great week,

PS, I'm not looking for any glowing reviews or responses to this thread, I simply just wanted to say thanks - and I mean that!
I know our little group really enjoyed chatting with you... thanks!

Back at camp we all had a good laugh about the polite but firm lashing you gave that guy that was giving you grief over the difference in price between you and one of the discount shops.

We all sat there in amazement when Stein told this guy, "So go buy it from them!", then gave him all the reasons (service, warranty, harness included from SteinAir, etc.) why he wasn't actually getting a better deal.

Stein made this guy go from tough guy to mr. polite in about 30 seconds. It was awesome to watch!
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snip....Would you believe that we gave away ALL 150 of those shirts withing the first 15 minutes of Monday Morning?!?!?! I sort of felt like the Beetles there for about 10 minutes! :)...snip

Glad I got to see you too, Ringo. Now go take a well-deserved rest for cripes sake!

Next bat year. Next bat time...;)
I gotta say Stein...meeting you was one of the highlights of my trip this year! We only had a few minutes of your time, but it was a BIG few minutes! Thanks for the laughs man, it WAS really funny (the story Brad was talking about).

Met Stein, got the T-shirt.:cool:
Would you believe that we gave away ALL 150 of those shirts withing the first 15 minutes of Monday Morning?!?!?! I sort of felt like the Beetles there for about 10 minutes! :)

I think I saw the autographed t-shirts on e-Bay for $1,000 each! :eek:

Broke "T" Shirt

One of the lucky ones to get one of the "Broke" T shirts. I had more fun with that T shirt than the law allows! One of the vendors said "That's the way we all feel, but no one else "has the b---s to say it":D Hopefully Stein was "tongue in cheek":rolleyes: when he had them made up!!!!!!!

Dunno, though; he sure has a lot of money I used to have:eek:

You guys considering Avionics, etc. I highly recommend Stein. No connection with the company, just a satisfied customer.
Met Stein, got the T-shirt.:cool:

Wait a minute! My "reporter antennae" just went up. YOU got a t-shirt? You? The guy I saved a space for? The guy who didn't come in until Tuesday? You got a shirt? But me, the guy who was there at 9:30 on Monday, didn't?

What's the number of that cheap panel place that guy was talking about? :p
T Shirt


If you're going to "go off' again and not attend OSH, I'll give you my T shirt. What's your address?:p
What do you see.......

Nice plane.......maybe
Studly guys......hardly
Great Caps........Oh, Yea Baby!!!!

Thanks Stein!

Bernie Weiss and I on departure Weds from the big show....


If you're going to "go off' again and not attend OSH, I'll give you my T shirt. What's your address?:p

Nah, I'll just pick one up from the "cheap foreign knockoff" booth next time I'm in New York.

BTW, Pete's picture of Bernie reminded me of one of those "gee, I wish I'd remember to say this at the time" moments. Bernie was giving me some good natured ribbing about how public radio would cover Oshkosh (Hey, what IS the carbon footprint of AirVenture, anyway?). Later, I remembered something Bernie's business associates contributed to the coverage of general aviation. Take that! :D
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Wait a minute! My "reporter antennae" just went up. YOU got a t-shirt?
The guy I saved a space for?
The guy who didn't come in until Tuesday?
You got a shirt?
But me, the guy who was there at 9:30 on Monday, didn't?

What's the number of that cheap panel place that guy was talking about? :p

If it makes you feel any better...I didn't get the "broke" t-shirt...just the run-of-the-mill Steinair shirt. :eek::D

Let's not forget the mighty challenge from one of the -10 builders when he read the back of the "broke" shirt!

Thanks for stopping by the -10 camp area, it's always nice to have that personal touch from vendors. It makes a HUGE difference when there's a real person to relate to instead of a faceless company.

RV-10 N442PM
I did not get to OSH this year. I did not get to meet Stein either. But I did get to talk to him on the phone several months ago. Unfortunately, that was at the very end of my "electrical needs shopping list" purchase activities. I was very impressed with his interest in what I was doing and how he could help me. We ended up talking for abt 15 min on non-aviation computer stuff...servers and h/w. I order my stuff, and a few days later it arrived as promised.

After I hung up the phone with Stein, I remember thinking, "this is one of the folks I would like to meet in person and just say...HI." I missed my chance this year, hopefully I can say "Hi" next person.