
Well Known Member
Am I going to be the only non-builder at the OSH BBQ? Hope not. My fiance and I will attending the BBQ and ouhing and ahing at the RVs all weekend. Tailkit to come in Dec. Merry xmas.
Am I going to be the only non-builder at the OSH BBQ? Hope not. My fiance and I will attending the BBQ and ouhing and ahing at the RVs all weekend. Tailkit to come in Dec. Merry xmas.

No BBQ this year, but the Van's Banquet will have lots of builders and non-builders. All welcome.

More (and order tickets) at:

Yes the banquet..that is what I was talking about. Do we have to get airshow tickets for Thursday to attend too? We are planning to drive to OSH Thursday and was planning to set up camp and stuff. Planning to go to the airshow Friday and Sat and maybe Sun before going home to Indy.
The banquet is held at the Nature Center, which is outside of the convention grounds. You will not need a ticket (wristband) to get in to the Nature Center.

However, Van's is distributing the tickets at their booth, which is on the grounds, so you will have to make some arrangements to get them.