
Active Member
Oshkosh 2015

I thought of starting a thread for Oshkosh 2015 pictures and interesting stuff. And I thought what is the best thing to start the show rather than the new RV14

By the end of Sunday, HBC looks almost full.

HBP East of tower is full and several rows are filled West of there.

Weather is very nice tonight!

Mike Bullock and I watched the sun come up over Osh as we went for a run this morning. He pushed me to run faster than my normal pace for 5 miles as I was slowing him down. Thanks for hanging with me Mike! Nothing like the environment at Osh for an early morning run!

The weather is awesome!

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Awesome sleeping weather last night. Had to zip up and duck head into seeping bag. Great severe clear this morning as the sun came up. Mike Bullock and I did anothe 5 miles around the North 40 all the way to the end of 27 and back this morning. This place is packed with planes. There are tons of RV's parked all over the other sections as well.

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Day 1

The flight up to osh was pretty straight forward. Weather was hazy the entire time until I got near Chigago.

Arriving into Oshkosh was another story. Very chaotic. The controllers did their best with the pilots they were handed. My oil temps were screaming on the long taxi to parking.

Camp Bullock set up for the week. I'm in row 313 near the green garbage dumpster for anyone looking for me or my beers.

Captain John's "Aluminum Mistress"

The B52 was amazing to see.

I attempted to call it an early evening, but the lure of the SOS brothers beer tent couldn't be suppressed

Great first day at Osh....looking forward to many more!
Day 2

The second day at Oshkosh has been great. Here are a few of the highlights-

TruTrak's new $1000 autopilot. It uses trim servos to control the pitch and roll


L3's new "affordable" EFIS - the Genesis. It starts at $6k. It seems like a nice unit, but it is clearly not targeted for the experimental community.

GRT released their Heads Up Display on a pair of Epson glasses. When I visited their booth they didn't have a set to try on. It works with both the HX and SX EFIS's, connected wirelessly via a bluetooth USB dongle on the back of the EFIS.


The 6 cylinder PMAG looks pretty impressive. The connector on it is much more sophisticated than what their 4 cylinder EMAG/PMAG's use. Brad indicated they should be shipping by August.

The media pass definitely pays off. For two years in a row the lovely ladies of Heavens Landing flocked towards me.

I ran into Captain John in the Fly Market. He was pretty happy with his new $150 folding chair.

We ran into Chad Jensen at Vertical Power. He hooked us up with some sweet swag, including a nice folding chair!
Days 2 continued

Off to the RV "Beer Fairy" social event, CJ tried out his new chair.

The new Airbus A350 did a pretty impressive demonstration flight.

We had a lot of fun at the RV social. Tons of people and loads of beer.



The SOS brothers "BeerVentures" tent is dangerously close to Homebuilt camping. I inevitably make it over there every year.
Well thanks! My wife just put the coordinates for that beer place on her map with a big red X on it. I guess we will be doing a detour around it. At least all the planes are hot too.
Well thanks! My wife just put the coordinates for that beer place on her map with a big red X on it. I guess we will be doing a detour around it. At least all the planes are hot too.

It looks like you will have to leave your phone in the tent!

There is always a workaround!

I can't believe the fun police have not caught up with us yet.

;) CJ
Oshkosh AirVenture 2015 Photos

Did not take many photos at Oshkosh AirVenture 2015 as I was to busy visiting with my RV and other friends.

Arrival Sunday 19th at Noon.

How to load camping gear in your RV-8 when solo.

Last Day Sunday 26th Van's Booth.

AirBus A350 at the Boeing Hold Short line in Boeing Square.

Sunday 26th evening at Kelly's. (3 customers)

Monday July 27th 9 AM, homebuilt parking looking West into Homebuilt Camping.

Sunday July 26th was the last day of AirVenture 2015. Walking around the Exhibit Halls, 85% of the people were missing. It was possible to walkup to a vendor and get answers to simple questions.
Gary I was this close to get there on Sat. A Russian night was scheduled at Sleepy Hollow with fellow RVators in their other RV. Let's see what next year brings.

Fortuitous timing....

My next project... maybe

Allen Barrett sporting his AV8R Designs hat.... goofing around as always. Thanks goodness he takes his engines seriously

My Friends Kevin Quinn and Steve Henry flying in the STOL demo

Happened the Catch the Icon flying out at TJ's Harbor when we went for lunch, they were giving flights to owners, pretty impressive... looks fun. more of a 'toy".. like a jet ski with wings

Gorgeous Lancair Racer "Turbulence" built by the Patey Bros. Supposedly in 4 months


Whomever's this is.... gorgeous!

Night Airshow from he top of the GoPro Truck.... Right Friend, right place, right time.
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