
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I spent a little time this afternoon sitting int eh cockpit with external power on the airplane, playing around with the new A-210 I installed a couple weeks ago. I have been very happy with the unit so far - it receives better an stronger than the A-200 it replaced (in the same rack!), even though the the A-200 was doing just fine! Same antenna seems to give me almost twice the range with the new radio.

My goal this afternoon was to do some programming of the 200 memory slots (actually, more like 220 - it has one memory group for the last 10 frequencies used, another 10 for basic memory, and then 20 groups of 10 for "whatever"). Based on nothing but whimsy, I decided to use one of the groups for all of the common CTAF frequencies, another for all of the local AWOS'es, and then I figured that I'd use the rest of the groups for tower controlled airports that I frequent - title the group with the identifier of the field, then put that field's ATIS, TWR, GND, CD, etc. in the group. This is going to leave a LOT of blank memory spaces (at least half f them), but frankly, I couldn't think of much other use for them. Perhaps others will share their organizational plans.

(I think it was Larry Pardue that said that his radio basically has a 760 channel memory, and frankly, I'm beginning to see it his sure does take a lot of time to sit in the cockpit and put these things in, as often as they are going to get used in a #2 COmm...especially when my #1 is a 430 with an up to date database!)

Still love the unit thought - very nice, readable display, the dual frequency monitoring is really great (the main reason I wanted it), and it fits the panel nicely.:D

My com 2 is a King 97A, which has memories for frequencies, but I don't use them. Dialing in a frequency is often easier than dialing to a memory, at least in that radio (which only requires one knob turn for memory freq's...). I don't know, I guess I simply do not have a motivation to program them in...

It gets to a point where I just can't stand to keep up with all the **** in the multitude of electronics I've collected! It is easy to spend more time learning stuff than the time saved using them!
It gets to a point where I just can't stand to keep up with all the **** in the multitude of electronics I've collected! It is easy to spend more time learning stuff than the time saved using them!

Very profound, and very true Alex! I remember when technology was really cool, and I'd read every page of every manual I got with a new, if I can't just open the package and turn it on, I get very annoyed....who has the time? That's why I programmed one airport, got tired and went home....

I've been roughing it the last week in the plane, only one gps (the 430 is out for the WAAS upgrade). My spare gps is an Anywhere Map system with xm weather. The AWM system has an amazing amount of utility, but since I use it primarily for weather, I haven't tried to learn many of the other functions. It is reasonably easy to learn, but I simply won't spend the time to get more than probably 25% of the utility from it. If I didn't have the panel mount 430, I would.
Still love the unit thought - very nice, readable display, the dual frequency monitoring is really great (the main reason I wanted it), and it fits the panel nicely.:D

Good stuff Paul. Does the dual frequency monitor allow you to hear both freq's at the same time, or does the active always have priority? By that I'm mean, can you hear both at the same time, or does monitor cut when squelch is broken on active?

Still waiting on my backorder...
Good stuff Paul. Does the dual frequency monitor allow you to hear both freq's at the same time, or does the active always have priority? By that I'm mean, can you hear both at the same time, or does monitor cut when squelch is broken on active?

Still waiting on my backorder...

Best I can tell, it gives you both at the same time. I have had two local AWOS's up on Dual, and you can hear both of them. It feels right at home for me, because in Mission Control, we all listen to multiple communication loops simultaneously - I like that kind of multitasking!

d (I do wish folks would post their full names in accordance with the rules...),

I can't answer your first question, as I actually have not tried transmitting with the unit yet! I use it primarily as a monitor....

The second question is easy - they both come in at essentially the same volume. A nearby station will be louder than one far away (or it seems that way). Reception is remarkably clear on both!
