
Well Known Member
Yesterday on Oregon Public Broadcasting they reported that state senator Vicki Walker from Eugene wants to repeal the ethanol mandate. After seeing the mileage in her hybrid drop to 33 from somewhere over 40 and hearing about the increase in food prices due to ethanol, she is having second thoughts. The report suggested other legislators wanted to reconsider the mandate but they only talked about Walker.

I wrote her yesterday to encourage her. You might want to also. Write her at: [email protected]

You might point out the 3% loss in mileage that even the advocates claim, when coupled with the questionable energy balance (some say it takes more energy to produce ethanol than you get out of it) may actually increase our oil imports, your actual loss in gas mileage, if you have data, which may offset any oil savings and again, may increase oil imports, the difficulty you have had in getting appropriate fuel for your plane, especially if you fly with a Rotax, any additional maintenance expenses you may have had on your off road equipment due to ethanol and anything else you think is relevant.

This may be the time to write other legislators. Remember, this is an election year--this is the time to get their ears.

Find your legislator at:

Lastly, write the governor using the form at:

Let's get the ball rolling on this!

Texas too...

I heard yesterday (NPR I think) that Texas has requested an exemption from the EPA for the ethanol requirement. That state is concerned about the high corn costs for cattle feed.
I did it.

Ok Dick, I took 10 minutes and sent email to all the government connections. I sure hope that this gain some momentum so that reason will control the US energy system and not politics.

Or are they gahonas.

I thought that was pretty funny myself. Only in the most "this is my government at work for me?" way though. She was fine with passing a crummy law that anyone that knows anything about the subject of ethanol knows your going suffer in the mileage department with the blend. Her statement went something like 'I own a Prius that gets 47 miles to the gallon on gasoline but with the blend I only get 33'. Air head. I think she's got some real balls, That's not to mention saying something so stupid on the radio.
I'm still holding out hope for a repeal in Tennessee and Mississippi. I can't find gas without ethanol anywhere and the sheer stupidity and short-sightedness of it all makes me sick.