Tom Sampson

Active Member
Hi Guys ...
16.5 hours into testing, and we are fine tuning a few squawks ... but nothing major since dealing with the Oil Temp via a Dynon upload.

Can any of you make painter referrals in the Wilamette Valley?
Say, from Kelso down to Eugene?

I am looking for a "good 10 footer" paint job for $5-7,000.
I am NOT wanting to invest $10-15k into paint.

I am on the schedule with Daryl Williams over in Burns in late January, but want to avoid "ify" weather that might occur mid winter.

Any suggestions?

There is a guy at Aurora Airport. I believe his name is Craig Roberts. Len Kauffman just mentioned him to me today; Len is going to have Roberts do his. Don't know about cost.

Dick Scott