
Well Known Member
"Another Hard Day At The Beach"
After what has been the usual day or so of yard and house work done this weekend we headed to the coast to cool off, only made possible via our wonderful machines!
This time we opted to try Seitz Bay S45 rather than our normal Manzanita, 3S7
We were disappointed to find the Side Door Cafe (top rated by $100 Hamburger) closed on Sunday and Mondays. I hope they change that this summer. Less walking from S45 with a pub and Side Door just across the highway and the beach about a five block walk.
And the interesting part, while I was walking around a few hangars for sale, Katie and Hana had a (bob?)cat run towards them across the tarmac, then change her mind and finally walk away when I returned to the plane. Sorry girl, just room for us three in the -8. :eek:




I love Oregon. Been there once, actually saw your plane at the airport .
A whole different type of flying compared to the flat lands where I live on the east coast. Look forward to flying there again, soon I hope.
Awesome mini adventure. That is definitely an American Wild Cat (Bob Cat). I think it may have been hungry and thought the cute pooch looked like an easy lunch.
Planning our annual trip along the beach. Next month is the plan. Doubt if we will see the "cat".
Last year, we got a nice room at a beachfront place in Gold Beach. Stayed an extra two nights just to enjoy the oceanside hot tubs and nice wood panel rooms. Great post, thanks !!!
Bruce, Educate me if you would, about landing on sand. Didn't know you could do this.
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Bruce, Educate me if you would, about landing on sand. Didn't know you could do this.

Copalis State S16 in Washington State is the place to land on sand. I looked quick for a thread and found a few mentions. But many RV's go there as long as it is not high tide soon. Stay on the packed sand, don't taxi too far into dry parts. Have a dependable battery and starter to get out before tide rises...