
Well Known Member
Order of events:

Went to Oshkosh (drove 2000+ miles round trip with camper)
Fell in love (RV9A)
Read the forum posts
Ordered some tools
Built the sample project from Vans
Ordered some more tools
Flew in a RV9A (Thanks Bob, N421BS)
Ordered some more tools
Built the tool box from Vans
Ordered some more tools
Remodeled the garage
Sent deposit to Alexanders Technical School (www.buildtofly.com)
Today: Ordered tail section to be sent to Alexanders and Wings to be sent to the house.

Looking forward to lots of help from you guys!
I can hear it now, "Hi, my name is 24Golf and I'm an RV addict."

Welcome aboard and good luck with your build!
sample project? toolbox?

I too am getting my workspace together (rv8 emp kit is in the mail).

I'm halfway through the EAA workbench, and would be interested in hearing about the sample project and toolbox.

thanks and good luck,
I'm halfway through the EAA workbench, and would be interested in hearing about the sample project and toolbox.

I watched Louise build her toolbox kit a month or two back, and thought it was a great little project to teach the basics and instill confidence in someone who hadn't done aircraft sheet metal construction before - took her about a full Saturday morning, with me teaching her the tool basics as she needed them. A worthwhile thing to do before charging into the Empennage if you're new to this stuff!

I too am getting my workspace together (rv8 emp kit is in the mail).

I'm halfway through the EAA workbench, and would be interested in hearing about the sample project and toolbox.

thanks and good luck,
Late4My8 - John,

Both projects were fun to build, but we got a lot more experience out of Vans sample control surface kit... we've even ordered another one to build before we go to Alexanders school in November.

strange addiction

I'm just finishing up my wings. I plan on ordering the fuselage kit soon.

So, I still have a long road to go...but I'm having a ball.

Even though I'm knee deep in aluminum parts & rivets and the garage is getting really crowded, I've found myself wondering what the heck am I gonna do when this thing is done?

Going back to TV (ever) is out of the question. I guess I'll have to find another hobby.....

Welcome to the addiction!

My best decision (after deciding to build a plane, of course) was to attend a Sportair workshop in Oshkosh. Great facilities, wonderful instructors, and the learning ....oh the learning! :D I'm about ready to order my finish kit, and virtually all of the metal work I've done in my Nine kit to this point was covered with hands-on practice at the workshop. I recommend it highly.
EAA RV Assembly Class

I agree. The EAA RV Assembly class is great. Dan Checkoway was my instructor, and he did an outstanding job educating our class. Not only did he show us how to build the Van's practice kit, but he demonstrated several alternative ways to do things, and lots of different tools for getting the job done. I came out of the class with tons of confidence.

A year and a half later, I am working on the fuselage with my finishing kit on order.
Ordered RV-9A

Congratulations! You have just taken that first step into the wonderful world of lunacy.:D Believe me, you are in good company.

You will not find a better bunch of people for any and all support you need at the VAF Forums.

you will find it addictive! So much to learn, but fun. Look at Scott Card's web site. very good. Thanks scott!
Working on center fuselage now.:D

The trip to Osh turned out to be more expensive than you thought! Welcome to the RV world. I've been working on my 9A for just over a year. I should be ordering the finishing kit in the next month or so.
You're giving me hope - if all goes well I'm about 45-60 days behind you. I had to promise my wife she could have another Shih Tzu puppy when I ordered the kit, I figured that was good trade!:D
Tail Kit Nearly Complete in Just One Week!

Well, my wife and I just returned from Alexanders RV Builders "Boot Camp" in Griffen, GA and boy was it worth it! I must state that I have no affiliation with the Alexander folks and my comments are unsolicited.

We went in on Monday morning with two boxes of parts and came out on Friday afternoon with all tail section parts primed and completely assembled except for the verticle stabilizer... and could have stayed Saturday morning to complete that. The information and instruction gained from this experience was well worth the fee and the time we will save going forward will be significant. The work days were long (up to 14 hours) and hard, but also fun. We met another couple that was building an RV-8, and that made the experience even more rewarding.

The only problem was that we came home and felt the need to order another $1500 worth of tools... hhmmm - Just had to have them. Now we can't wait for the wings to come in around the end of the month.
You got it right.... ordered some more tools........ordered some more tools......ordered some more tools...... Actually, it will be more like ordered some more tools....ordered some replacement parts....ordered some more tools.....ordered some more replacement parts.....etc.

Congrats and have fun!