
Well Known Member
I am very excited.... This is one of those so far...slooooooow builds. Ordered tail kit late 1999, ordered slow build wings in late 2000. Between job and raising kids and trying to stay ahead of household maintenance 3 1/2 acres, it's taken me this long to get to this point.. I've been using "...8 wings still" for way too many years...but not for much longer!

Fuse should show up around the August/September timeframe.. very excited! WooooHoooo!!!
You will LOVE the QB workmanship. Money well spent to get into the air more quickly, I say! :):) Waiting for it will give you motivation/time to finish the other stuff.

Are you going to paint, or polish? There are some little surface blems that would detract from a polished plane, but will vanish under paint.
Hadn't really decided yet on polished or painted. I suppose it depends on what i see in blemishes when it arrives..