
Well Known Member
Sitting here at home listening to fisk approach. I woke up this morning to my buddy "Shorts" departing the field at 6:05am. Vroooommmm!!! One eye half open, "There goes Shorts." But Tanya's pillow was empty. There is just nothing like waking up to an RV alarm clock. (Snooze button.)

So, I saundered into work for a few hours with anything but work on my mind. Heck, I'm in "change hold" for vacation. I'm not supposed to touch anything. (I make the rules) Saturday is another heavy shop build push. No, they aren't going to finish as promised, so we're just working on the list of stuff that we don't want them working on while we're gone. Of course everyone wants to get paid.

We're in the standard RV pilot mode of it is Time To Go To OSHKOSH, what are we still doing sitting around here! I'm even thinking about walking away from the shop build (right, what could go wrong?!) to launch tomorrow to at least get closer. Tanya says the airplane will be packed and ready whenever.

The plan is for a Sunday pre-dawn launch. Day of OSH departure I'm always up at 3:30-4am anyway. I'm sure there will be a little weather which will preclude an easy one stop hop, so we'll start looking at our two stop plan this evening. Low and behold, it is my year to fly the arrival! Get out your camera's sports fans, because I'll have to take responsibility for our landing count in the Sunday Circus!

We're leaving tomorrow, which just happens to be Saturday. We'll watch for your arrival. Tuppergal will text us when you're near.
We're leaving tomorrow, which just happens to be Saturday. We'll watch for your arrival. Tuppergal will text us when you're near.

"Low wing RV type, rock your wings." (wing rock), "Request 36". There is my deviation for the year.
We are leaving out of 16X,(Northwest of AFW) at 630am with a flight of 3 RV12s. ETA OSH around 5PM.:D We will be on 123.45 on the way up.;)
We are leaving out of 16X,(Northwest of AFW) at 630am with a flight of 3 RV12s. ETA OSH around 5PM.:D We will be on 123.45 on the way up.;)

We'll be listening and surely passing at our fuel stop :).

Pop quiz, what is the VanGrunsven preference for cookies? I had no idea before tonight. Tanya reports that Van always goes for the alternate "experimental", Oatmeal Raisin! Yum, QC failed the first batch, because they're all gone... Root cause evaluation in process.
"Low wing RV type, rock your wings." (wing rock), "Request 36". There is my deviation for the year.

I have been called many things. White low wing red low wing, black low wing, and the kicker, Mooney. That one caught me off guard. I kept looking around for the Mooney. I finally peeled off to go back to Ripon. As soon as I did, I figured out he was talking to me. ATC had me do a 360 and come back and land.

Departing South Alabama, 0400 Sunday.
There were three of us in close succession, all cleared to runway 27. I requested 36, and the controller gave 36 to the plane behind me. He said it wasn't him, but controllers do a lot more talking than listening, and he got 36, which I don't think he wanted. And there's lots of pilots who are determined to chat on frequency, regardless of the NOTAM.
It sure got quiet "on the internet" today. We should be live on APRS TV in the morning, hopefully just before sun up. I'm not going to try to out-do whoever launched from our field at 4:30am this morning :).
Hope you & Tanya get here soon. We are craving cookies.

I arrived here at 11:30 and was cleared to 27 at Fisk.
That was a blessing for me because I was following a tripacer who couldn't hold speed or altitude. I got sucked into his prop wash twice. The controllers cleared him for 36.

Light rain here in the afternoon, but better than getting hit by the big strom that went south of us.

See you tomorrow.
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Left Hicks (just north of Ft Worth) at 0630, stopped at Moberly, MO-Omar Bradley Intergalactic-and got a good, quick turn with 100LL at a show price of $3.60/gal. Was gonna hang around until the bbq trailer opened (1100 hours) but a peek at the weather (plus the Bonanza arrivals started @ 1300) and I skeedaddled. Fiske to downwind on 27 landed on that Orange dot. In the chocks a little after 1230 hours. Better parking spot in HBP than last year, closer to the food and lavs! (It's the simple pleasures!!)

C'mon by row 343 and say howdy.

Enjoying an Ale Asylum Hopalicious at UWO dorm before wandering down to Kelly's for a burger.

Good day today, looking forward to the show and meeting some folks.

I'm very happy we came in (my first time here!) on Friday. Clear wx all the way, 20 kt tailwind, friendly customs in Minot ND and a $.50/gal gas discount because we were heading for OSH, and a blissfully uncongested arrival under clear blue skies. I'm at the very end of row 302 in HBC if anyone wants to chat!
6:05 AM at KOSH, from HBC; low overcast breaking up, patches of blue with some high stuff above. Ya'll be careful out there.

There were three of us in close succession, all cleared to runway 27. I requested 36, and the controller gave 36 to the plane behind me. He said it wasn't him, but controllers do a lot more talking than listening, and he got 36, which I don't think he wanted. And there's lots of pilots who are determined to chat on frequency, regardless of the NOTAM.

I was the guy behind you that said "it wasn't me" I did not really care which runway I got. I try not to talk to the controllers unless they ask. I'm always just happy to be here. This is the fourth trip here in my RV-8, parked on Row 343 of HBP this year.