
I'm New Here
Hi folks, I'm about ready to pull the trigger on placing my order for wings & empennage... I have questions about options, though.

Does the -14 tail kit automatically include electric elevator trim? It isn't listed on the order form as an option. I do want it, just curious if it's a default or if I need to do anything special with my order.

I'm planning to order the light kit for the wings, as night flying is a thing that this plane is definitely going to do with me :)

For items such as electric flaps and aileron trim, are these built in to the wing kit or will I need to track down and order separate optional kits for these?

Anything else a new builder needs to know at time of order?


For right now, order the Lighting Kit option with the wings. We will have an additional lighting kit (AeroLed tail light/strobe) for the Tail/Cone when we get that subkit option through the approval process. Any of those 2 optional kits can be added at any time in the build process.

Elevator Trim is included with the Tail/Cone Kit.

The Electric Flap and Electric Roll Trim systems will probably come along with the Fuselage Kit release. No neeed to worry about those until then.

You will probably want to start thinking ahead a bit to autopilot servos and pitot options though for the wings. Even after the wings arrive and you are building away, you will still have some time. I'm pretty sure I will be going with the Dynon Skyview system, which means I'll need the Dynon roll servo as well as the Dynon heated pitot with AOA sensor. Last I checked, there wasn't a specific servo for the RV14, but the RV10 wing servo is what is needed.

I'm two weeks into my wing build and am getting ready to make some purchases myself.

Wing kit extras

Hi folks
I too am starting an RV 14 project. I am concerned what I need to order now as I'm building the wings. Example: servos, lights, etc. I am also wondering what will be available as to the the latest and greatest when the project actually gets done. Will this stuff that shove in the wings will be compatible with the newest gadgets on my panel?

Ser# 140095
I have not ordered any of those things for the reasons you stated. Even LED lights are getting cheaper with time so the more i can put it off the better.

I recommend you get into your build before even thinking about it. You'll see from the design that there are access panels located such that you can do servos and other things later. If nothing else, you can leave selected skin pieces off until later to give access.

Oh, and congratulations! You'll love it.
This Build Journey is a long Process!

I wouldn't be in to much of a rush to order to many options in advance. :rolleyes:This is a complete kit like the RV12 meaning as you get to the end of the build there will be sub kit options provided by Vans for lighting and different avionics packages These kits will be designed to be installed at a later date. Also this is a long journey and things will change along the way. We are essentially beta builders at this point because all the sub kits have not been released yet. Vans will control when each sub kit will be released and if past is predicative of the future we may not get the final sub kit until late 2014 or more likely 2015. Avionics alone are changing every year at a very fast rate, Skyview may be very different in 2015 with different sub components so buying servos now,they maybe obsolete later with new better ones. Lights too maybe different. Leds are also changing to. Plan revisions will come also. ;)

Wing Kits start being Delivered October 2012.
Tail Kits start being Delivered late September early October 2013
Fuselage Kits start being Delivered ?
Finish Kit ?
Avionics Kit?
Firewall Forward Kit?
Interior Kit?
Complete Lighting Kit?
Autopilot Kit?
Get my drift;)
Ordered my kits today!
Also, as of two days ago, the light kit for the tail was added. Snagging that too :)

Now I've got a couple months of anticipation ahead... time to turn the garage into a shop, buy tools, build workbenches, etc :D So excited!
Wing kit extras

Thanks a lot guys!

I have just got my 1st kit ordered. (140095). I am currently getting my garage ready to turn it into a first class builders shop. I have run lots of extra lighting and electrical, insulated the walls, installed heating, and epoxied the floors. I have even gotten the most important thing! The support from my wife! I need to make my benches yet. I am very excited. I am not too worried about my abilities as a builder and quality work, but I have never done a project like this before. I have seen many beautiful birds that many of you have made. Very inspiring! I will need much advice through the project.

I think I will wait a bit and contemplate what kind of gadgets to shove into the wings as I build them.

I am now looking to get all my riveting and metal working tools. I suppose there is another thread to scrounge that up. Any advice as to a good source?

Thanks for the response.

Wing kit extras

Thanks for the advice! There is nothing like advice from someone in the same shoes as you. I'll be calling them Monday about a batch of tools.

Thanks again!