
Active Member
I have started on my empanage kit and have finished the vertical stabilizer and rudder. Really enjoying it.

I ordered all the kits, engine and prop on March 30. My general question is, at what points during the build do I need to make decisions about various options such as lighting, brakes, etc. As I've been working on the rudder I'm wondering if it is time to select and order my lighting since there will be a recognition light in the tail. Might I need a different tail fairing for example?

I don't want to get too far into the build and find that I should have done something differently given the options I wanted. What are these decision points for the tail cone? Again, light comes to mind but also maybe autopilot (servos)? And on into the rest of the build. When should I make interior decisions or avionics decisions?

I hope this question make sense. Any advice is appreciated.
Don’t worry about this until the wings. Then you can get a roll servo, pitot tube, and lights. Big decisions come when you are halfway through the fuselage.
Hi Bob,one of the first things you need to figure out is what you want. The lead times on a lot of items is nuts compared to just two years ago . On wiring if going with vans harness it’s easier to install as you build. Same with autopilot servos. Avionics, seats paint are at least a year out but once you decide call for availability. Good luck on the build the 14 is one great flying airplane.
I concur with nohoflyer. All decisions can be delayed. In my case, I have not made any final emp or wing decisions, and I've already moved on to the fuselage. All that's left for the emp is the fairings and tips, and all that's left for the wings is electrical routing, bottom skins, and wingtips, which I will worry about farther down the road still. I think the first final decision I will truly need to make is the canopy latch in chapter 29.

This does not factor in lead times.