
I'm New Here
Hi you all,

I've recently posted this message on the rvsqn-list and got one reaction, but I want to see if I can get some more reactions if I post the message here as well. For the persons who are getting this message twice, I apologize
Now that I've decided to go for the 8(A) instead of the 4, I would
like to see the 8(A) in real live before sending the orderform to Van's.

To top it off, it would be great if somebody is willing to take me for
a short ride (I'll pay for it off course).

So is any body of you living near (or in) Holland and willing to show
me your plane and possibly take me up? I'm looking for an option close
to Holland, let's say a maximum 2 or 3 ours flight in the TB-10 from
EHKD (De Kooy, Den Helder).

I've searched for RV-8(A) builders in Holland, but I just came up with
all other types of RV's out there but no 8(A).

Kind regards,