
Well Known Member
OK, I have decided to go the riblet route for the elevator skin. I just did not want to chance messing it up even though my bends on the trim tab itself went pretty well. I am trying to make the riblet out of the end of the E-703 rib. I can't get it any further into the trailing edge without distorting the skin.

I would like opinions on if the gap left will cause any issues, should I fill it in with a tab on the end of the rib or add some JB weld in there after the rib is riveted into place. See the attached photo with the rough fit. Thanks for any help, I am working this today so prompt replies are appreciated.

I think you have plenty of support there. I wouldn't worry at all about adding JB weld or other stuff. Put it in place and move on!

This from a 9A builder, however to take it FWIW.


I did the same thing. You might want to delay riveting the riblet until you fit the trim tab...you want good alignment at both inboard and outboard ends (and the appropriate gap in between your riblet and the trim tab).

You can trim the edge of the skin next to your riblet with a file/emery cloth and get a very precise fit by moving the riblet outboard a bit (if needed).


If you do decide to fill, skip the JB Weld, wait 'til you're doing other fiberglass tasks and fill it then

Again, just my $.02

No comment on the filling in part. Just want to point out that I riveted my riblet with the concave side facing out for easier access to solid rivets (like the pic below but on the elevator skin) . I don't think it matters, just another opinion.