
Well Known Member
left yesterday fron Ct to FL. the winds were howling out of the SW but not a cloud in the sky all the way home, almost. left at sunrise, stayed low, 1,500' and still had 25 on the nose. going down the hudson river 800' gave 15 kt headwind. bumpy and slow i stayed low till norfolk area. great sight seeing and airspace negotiating. the second half turned out fine at 3,000'. from Charleston keep the beach on the right and its clear sailing. enjoy the pics. keep pounding those rivits. got a 7 ready to go here in stuart soon. :)

Nice gallery Turbo! Was it difficult to "negotiate" with Norfolk? I finally made your Brooklyn run today.

I eloped "Cousin's watchful eye" and "stopped by" Coney Island Turbo Hel O'Beach. :D





So now it's Wednesdays instead of Mondays and Florida instead of NE?
v, coming thru norfolk i called KNGU Norfolk Ns (Chambers Field) class D for clearance thru. the pics of the battle ships were taken there.

leaving the south end of the hudson river heading SW i had KNEL - Lakehurst Naes /Maxfield Field and KWRI - Mc Guire with a restricted area between them. found someone home at mc guire and cleared thru there staying out of the prohibited area.

these rvs are great. high low, fast slow, right side up or up side down. :cool:
Welcome back

Hope to make it to breakfast a week from this Wednesday.

Couldn't make Lakeland Sunday due to previous plans that weren't made clear until I was ready to walk out the door.
this is the next big rv event in FL.


hope to see you all there.
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thanks for the heads up. fixed. too far for the defectorrrrrr to fly.

when is he coming down anyways.

Glad the trip went well, Turbo, enjoyed the pics. More bikini clad females next time though!