vic syracuse

Well Known Member
This is a reminder, especially for those of you who are new to Experimental aircraft ownership. Make certain your Operating Limitations are actually in the aircraft. If you look at your Airworthiness certificate it explicitly states that the Operating Limitations are a part of the Certificate. They are usually 4-6 pages in length and are on FAA letterhead.

From a number of threads on this Board there are many new owners and new builders headed to OSH. Check your aircraft for the proper documents. :)

These are not to be confused with your POH or operations manual (if there is one). I have had a number of new owners show me their POH when I've asked for the Operating Limitations. Right now I have an RV-8 in for a CI. The owner is planning to head to OSH later this week, and there are no Limitations to be found anywhere.

If you can't find them, get on the phone to FAA Registration Branch in OKC. They should have a copy in the aircraft file they can send you.

Aircraft Registration / N-Number Information and Assistance
Toll Free Long Distance(866) 762-9434
International & Local Oklahoma City Area(405) 954-3116
Government FTS (405) 954-3116

Good advice Vic!

And don't forget, the Airworthiness Certificate (pink slip) has to be visible or you are not "legal".
Ramp Checks

Have there been ramp checks @ OSH at past events?

What's the common outcome from a check where there is missing documentation?

AR(R)OW is the FAA documentation reqmt... Right?
Examples ?

So, are there examples (pictures) of where you have mounted this so it is "displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew" ??
So, are there examples (pictures) of where you have mounted this so it is "displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew" ??

In my 10 and in every Cessna I've ever flown the AWC and registration are in a clear pouch attached to the interior side panel roughly by the pilot's left knee.
Yes--Clear pouch

That's correct. Just a clear pouch with the AW certificate in front. Spruce has them, as do some of the office supply houses. It really just needs to be visible in the cockpit, and most of the times the sidewalls will work in the RV's.

Make sure it's a sealed pouch if you like to open the canopy in flight. I actually lost a whole set of paperwork over Tennessee on the way to OSH in '98.

Open cockpit biplane; they swirled around my lap for a few moments, but I couldn't catch 'em ;)
So, are there examples (pictures) of where you have mounted this so it is "displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew" ??

I put mine on the left side, above the flap lever cover. The only time I was ramp checked (by my wife's uncle) he didn't have an issue with the location, just the fact the pink slip wasn't on top. He said that he wouldn't write anyone up for that, as long as everything else was in order.

Missing Operating Limitations

They might not have them in Ok City, either. It happened to me with my 1992 RV-3, which I acquired in 2010. When ramp checked during an "incident" in 2012, I could not produce the operating limitations, and the FAA could not either! I wound up with a new registration with new operating limitations. Lesson for all: Scan and save whatever you have, and cross check your file in Oklahoma City to make sure they have it too.
If you are missing operating limitations, look at your Airworthiness Certificate. If it was signed off by a DAR, chances are real good that he/she will have a copy. Personally I keep the file on every aircraft I have ever certificated.
The practice has come in very handy. If there is ever an incident with the aircraft, the FAA and/or the NTSB want to see everything available.
Been there/done that.
Is this true? I thought the registration was the only thing needed to be visible from outside the aircraft...

We were just ramp checked this past week at MKE and the inspector specifically made me put my pink slip in front of the registration..