
Well Known Member
Somewhere around page 7 or 8 of the RV-12iS instructions of Section 23, when you get to actually rivet on the side skins, it refers to Figure one and the line of rivets on the bottom row of the side skin which are to be kept open, which makes perfect sense, of course.

It refers to page 10 and the figure there which has the specific callouts for rivets but many of the holes do not have rivets called out.

Can I properly presume that these holes are also to be left open?
Yikes. A lot of thread drift in that one, but good info on that line of rivets. I'll go ahead and zip those up. But, there are two holes, in particular, that have no rivet call out that were my concern. Just two holes in the bottom of the widest part of the doubler. Those are the two that concern me. They seem so random.
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To answer your (more specific) question..... Yes, all of the holes not assigned a rivet size (other than the ones pointed out in rv9builders link) are intended to be left open. The two you specifically mentioned in a more recent post will be used in Section 38 (finish kit) to attach a gear leg intersection fairing.