
Well Known Member
Any feedback from people using OP EFIS ??? Problems encountered along the way? Would you do it again if you had it to do over?
I've used OP Tech's displays in several airplanes other than RVs. They are certainly very capable. There are a couple of issues I encountered that led me away from them.

1. The stock AHRS provided what I felt was a very slow screen update rate --so slow (~3 frames/sec) that I would have hesitated to fly IMC with it. The $12,000, upgraded AHRS was fine in this regard, but for that price you could have a GRT dual-screen/dual AHRS system, or an AFS system, or whatever.

2. I never particularly cared for the soft-key method of comm/transponder selection that our particular systems used. It caused a lot of heads-down time while trying to tune radios, adjust volume, change squawk codes, etc. The menu system was noticebly more complex than many of the other units I've looked into recently. Digging through multiple layers was often required, even for some of the more simple operations. (You could always install separate stand-alone avionics units, of course, but having them fully integrated into the display was a hassle, IMHO.)

Not knocking OP's overall, just pointing out some things that I wished were better.
Op Technologies New Tech Support

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself...... My name is Ken Martin and I am the new Tech Rep at Aerosonic. (parent company to Op Technologies) As stated before in this thread, Op Technologies manufacturing group was not affected by the fire at Aerosonic. (seperate building)

If anyone is in need of assistance, or has any questions about the Op Technologies product line, please feel free to give me a call or send me an email. (727-461-3000 ext. 174 or [email protected])

I hold a Commercial/Instrument Ticket and an A&P License; which means I know just enough to confuse myself. :eek: Seriously, if I don't have the answers to your questions I have access to all the Engineers and Designers that do.

Kind Regards,

Hi Ken,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for the post to let everyone know you're out there. We certainly are all glad you're here. Perhaps a quick note to let the dealers know you're on board would be a good idea. Not all of the dealers are regular viewers of these forums and many of your customers are non-RV'ers as well ( I know...gasp at the thought)! :)

Look forward to speaking with you!

Thanks for the welcome Stein. I emailed all our distributors to let them know. I look forward to working with everyone as I really like the product I am supporting.



Hi Ken,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for the post to let everyone know you're out there. We certainly are all glad you're here. Perhaps a quick note to let the dealers know you're on board would be a good idea. Not all of the dealers are regular viewers of these forums and many of your customers are non-RV'ers as well ( I know...gasp at the thought)! :)

Look forward to speaking with you!

Welcome !!!!

Ken, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

I always appreciate it when a vendor participates in these forums. Thanks.