
Well Known Member
I got excited today with the countersink and machine countersunk the aft 9 holes in the side of the F-843L&R-1 lower forward longerons. The plans called out AN470 rivets here but I plan to just dimple the skin holes and use AN426 rivets. Anyone see any issues with this? By the way the instructions all but tell you not to make this mistake. Oh well.:eek:
no problem

I see none. AN 470 are called out there, mainly because they are covered by wing. You will have to remember to dimple the bottom skin that is common with those holes. It is very easy to mess up on the skins. I had to be very careful around the gearbox area. The rivet/screw callout dwg. can be confusing. The detail for that area is for the right side and the side view pic is for the left side. happy building
