
Well Known Member
Alright, my first oops on the wing spar...

I drilled all the C/S for the tank attach nutplates. Then I riveted 31 of them (half). I went down the line and C/S the #8 screw hole... that went fine.

Now the next step is "prime all the C/S holes".... OK... Did I need to prime the C/S of the nutplate rivets?

I realise now that I should have. After all, since I started construction, I was always priming AFTER drilling and C/S..

Option 1 : leave the first 31 nutplate as is... but prime the C/S for the remainers.

Option 2 : drill the 31 nutplate. I'm quite good at drilling C/S rivet, I don't expect any problems. If I oversize a hole, I'll just install a NAS1097AD4 rivet since the rivet is not really structural, it's there to hold the nutplate.

What do you think.
Alright, my first oops on the wing spar...


Option 1 : leave the first 31 nut plates as is... but prime the C/S for the remainer.

Option 2 : drill the 31 nut plates. I'm quite good at drilling C/S rivet, I don't expect any problems. If I oversize a hole, I'll just install a NAS1097AD4 rivet since the rivet is not really structural, it's there to hold the nut plate.

What do you think.

Go with option 1. While installing an NAS 1097 rivet will work in the spar, it would require you to open up the rivet hole on the affected nut plate. There would not be much (if any) material left in the nut plate if you did that.

Once you have the wing horizontal, you could prime (with an artist's paint brush) the counter sunk holes you forgot to prime. Gravity will aid the primer to work it's way into any imperfection between the rivet and the C/S hole. That way, moisture would not be able to work it's way in later. FYI, the rivet itself is Alodined, so that will help.
Charlie Kuss
... While installing an NAS 1097 rivet will work in the spar, it would require you to open up the rivet hole on the affected nut plate. There would not be much (if any) material left in the nut plate if you did that. ...

Oops, did not see that one coming... thx a bunch, both of you.