Rob H

Well Known Member
I'm working on the horizontal stabilator skins. Today I was doing some priming of interior surfaces and accidentally scuffed up the outer surface of one of the aft skins. It's a V-shaped skin about 6" x 12". I know whenever my project goes to paint that it will be scuffed anyway. But, if my build takes a couple years, I don't want that piece to corrode. Should I just order a new piece or rivet this one on and just protect it with some wax? I'm guessing with a new part and shipping, probably <$50.
IIRC, the alclad on the skins are about 5% of the thickness of the sheet on each side, or about one mil for an 0.020 sheet. You'd have to work pretty hard to get through that much thickness with scotchbrite. If you keep your shop at a relatively habitable temperature and humidity, you won't need to worry about it anyway. If it still bothers you, shoot some primer on it, and let the paint shop scuff I it off when the time comes.
Ditto what Miles said. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're concerned, spray some primer on it and let the paint shop scuff it off later.
No to corrosion X (before paint!)

Helped paint my plane. It is very difficult getting all the oils off prior to priming and painting. Spraying corrosion X on now will make your painters job much more difficult later. It will be weeping around the rivets and seams during prep. Causing paint issues.

Save that for after painting.
I wouldn't put any kind of wax or oil on it for the reasons climberrn mentioned.

If you are concerned about corrosion, why not just go ahead and also prime it on the outside, assuming you are using primer which is compatible with commonly used topcoats?

Then again, if you already have doubts, you might indeed simply order are new part. The peace of mind could be worth more than $50. ;)