
Well Known Member
I've been procrastinating on asking this question, because I'm afraid of the answer.
I discovered that 3 out of four attachment holes that I hand-drilled for my horiz. stab. are PERFECT! One, however, is less than perfect; i.e. not perpendicular.
I have 2 ideas to solve this problem and am asking for some feedback please.
1) drill a larger hole that will encompass the crooked/mis-aligned holes in the attachment bracket and HS spar.
2) leave the hole as is, and fabricate some bevelled washers to act as shims so that the load is not concentrated on the edge of the bolt head and opposite nut when torqued.

OK?let 'er rip! I'm braced for comments. :eek:

Sorry no pictures at the moment.
I had the same situation with one bolt at a 2 degree angle.

I bought self aligning washers from McMaster Carr. One set for bolt head and one set for nut. Needed about a 1/4 inch longer bolt.

I emailed Van's and received this reply from Ken Scott:

"We don't know anything about these washers, but it couldn't hurt."

I just looked on M-C website…Just what I was looking for!!

Did you research their strength/composition or anything?

I see 'low-carbon steel' and stainless.

Anyone have some experience on which type is appropriate, or does it really matter?

Thanks. Gotta love VAF...
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Thanks, Andy.
That was option #1 in my initial post. Not my first choice, as I can easily see me making both holes bigger, but not perfectly aligned…thereby ruining my HS.
Even if I thought I could re-drill the holes, I don't like the idea of concentrating the load in a smaller area.