
So I was working pretty hard on getting the stabilizer done this week (note, I may still make it)

Anyways, I inadvertantly placed the most inward spars on the forward part of the stabilator to face outword instead of inword like it calls for in the plans.

When I look through it appears the only real impact is that it was harder to get the bolts in for the stops that you put in on 09-07

I have gone so far as to confirm the skin fits it as is and doesn't need to be flipped to make it work.

So my options are

1 - find a really long drill bit so I can get in there and drill out the 3 rivets on each spar and re-do it
2 - leave it alone

Unfortunately if you are building ELSA you don't have any choice. You'll have to make it conform to the plans. If you're building EAB it's your call.

I always found that when I made a mistake it was best to walk away for a day or so and then come back and make it right. There tends to be too much emotion in the moment that I first discover the mistake to make the best decision then.
If I were to call VANS directly and get their tech support to tell me it is ok to leave it like that, then I would be ok under ELSA? Ultimately I will likely drill them out and flip them, as you said, right now I am too angry at myself for missing that key detail...

Ribs maybe?

Drill out the rivets and correct it now, and you will not worry about it any more.
Ended up doing the right thing tonight..

After reading the first reply and taking a big deep breath, I remembered these are pop rivets, very easy to replace.

So I went ahead and drilled out the 6 affected rivets, spun the rib/spar over and then re-riveted (after deburring of course)

I had to remind myself that ultimately this airplane will be a gift to my son on his 16th birthday (just over 7 years from now) and I want to make sure that it is perfect and I will take no short cuts..

thanks all for the help!
A 12 inch #30 drill bit is on the required list for building the RV12, you WILL need it!
ooops, worry!

Good call Adam, bet you won't do that again! The last thing you want to worry about is the tail not built to specs when you forgot to drain the swamp!!!
I had to remind myself that ultimately this airplane will be a gift to my son on his 16th birthday (just over 7 years from now) and I want to make sure that it is perfect and I will take no short cuts..

Please don't let your son read this post in the future :eek:

Honest mistake, happy building!:)
beware of the domino effect . . .


Ribs maybe?

Drill out the rivets and correct it now, and you will not worry about it any more.

+1 - - LSA or not,

One huge lesson I have learned is that changes almost always result in extra work later. Don't become a designer by accident. Mistakes like this fall in that category. The Domino effect.

Don't worry, don't fret, don't delay, just fix it and move on.

Happy Building!
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I did that same mistake long ago. At that time it was decided that the mistake was minor, had no effect on the stab, and should be left alone. I think it will make putting in the bolts harder is all. To change it after completion of the stab would be a major job.