carl nank

Well Known Member
It has been a 7-1/2 year, long, dusty trail. Pat Patterson came yesterday to inspect my airplane. He and his wife Helen are great people.

I did receive my Airworthiness Certificate!!!

I can not beleive this day has arrived. Thanks go to many for help and advice along the way, including VAF, Tom Odehnal, Bob Webster, John Polder, Bruce Wilson and many others. Special thanks to Sharon, my wife of 48 years, who has supported me in every way along the tail.

Unfortunatly, We are leaving for Florida for our annual winter vacation and will not be able to start flight test until next March. While my plane is ready, I am not. I will be getting more transition training while I am in Florida.

Thank you all!

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Florida huh? It's 12F here right now. I was counting on the global warming thing to kick in full force by now, but someone forgot to tell mother nature. I'll fly to FL and train you myself if I can sleep on your couch til March!!
No First Flight until March?

WOW! That's some will power! But, it is cold and it's something that should not be rushed.

Bob Axsom
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