
Well Known Member
Wichita full tanks, 36 gal
Cincy travel 3:43 hr, 610 nm, 20 kt tailwind
then local flights:
local flight 1
local flight 2
local flight 3

and still 9.6 gal in the tanks.

that means all of that flying on 26.4 gallons.

Three Cheers for the 9!

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No doubt the 9 wing beats it for high XC, but KOKB (Oceanside, Ca) to KAPA (Denver, Co) and a go around and diversion to KBJC (+737 miles) in my 7 on less than 29 gallons ain?t bad. I did have more like 30+ tailwind avg for the leg. I almost built a 9 twice before I settled on the 7, you can?t go wrong with either!
I burned over 80 gallons per day couple times. My buddy with his souped 7 can barely finish 40 over the weekend. Go figure which airframe burns less :D
my neighbor with his twin Baron almost fell over when he saw the fuel gauge on the truck, 26.4 total.
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