similar incidents

Bob, I've done that and also found floating objects (flashlight, pens), unlatched secondary lap belt, and primary lap belt loose, etc.:eek: As soon as I reach pattern altitude, I now do a quick right, left 45 degree banks, about 20 degree pitch up, push to zero Gs, and continue push to 1 negative G, and see what's not secure. Better to check before show time.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
Bob, I've done that and also found floating objects (flashlight, pens), unlatched secondary lap belt, and primary lap belt loose, etc.:eek: As soon as I reach pattern altitude, I now do a quick right, left 45 degree banks, about 20 degree pitch up, push to zero Gs, and continue push to 1 negative G, and see what's not secure. Better to check before show time.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL

Good suggestion Bill. I'm going to start doing that.