
Active Member
Hi All,

I'm getting closer every day to being ready to start in on electrical on my 7A, and getting organized has been a bit of a challenge. Being a software engineer, I've been toying with the idea of creating a web application to help organize all the pieces. I've been thinking Vertical Power for my system, and I was fortunate enough to meet Marc Ausman at Sun and Fun last year. Marc liked the idea of doing something Vertical Power specific, so after a bit of discussion, we're working together on an online tool to help builders design their electrical system.

We'll probably have something online in the next few weeks. We're in beta with a web-based tool that lets you add multiple devices to your aircraft, then configure all your switches, circuit breakers, alternator config, etc. It then automatically creates a load planning worksheet, an electrical diagram and a buying guide for your configuration.

Here's are some screenshots of our work in progress.



A little perspective from the group here would be very helpful... what was the biggest challenge for you in organizing your electrical system? Are there specific areas that you overlooked, found confusing or otherwise would have liked to have help with? Our thought is to collect feedback from the VAF crew on anything particularly helpful we could add...

If you're interested in hearing more when we go live, Marc will be announcing the tool on their newsletter, you can sign up at

Initial thoughts much appreciated!

Great Idea

I'm going with two 10" Skyviews and a basic Z13/8 architecure. Dynon is now beginning to make a little noise about going ahead with interfacing with Vertical Power so I am VERY INTERESTED. I will be watching for this in Marc's newsletter.

I am right now trying to figure out my electrical system. I have a dual screen G3X sitting with SteinAir. I need to figure out the electrical system architecture, switches, lamps etc. to finalize the panel blank that Stein will cut.
My biggest challenge? Never having done this before and trying to figure out what makes sense and then how to design it.
No wiring diagram that I have seen seems to quite do what I want. I know enough to know it would be foolhardy for me to simply alter what I seen without input from someone who knows what they are doing.
The VP-X seems a good option - the website is an excellent resource, the design steps seem logical, the install manual well written - it seems it would actually be fun to work it through, and from my experience to date, Vertical Power is very responsive to questions. I will have many.
So, your idea seems great. The ideal tool would let me specify an architecture (one alternator, main and backup battery). It would let me list all the equipment that I have. That I want an avionics bus (or not) and what would be on it. What would be backed up by the backup battery. That I want protection from a main contactor failure and overvoltage protection.
The ideal tool would offer options and considerations.
The tool would then create for me a wiring diagram based on all of that, with a bill of materials, including fuses, switches, etc., and a step by step document for hooking all the wires to the VPX etc.
Did you say that would be on the Vertical Power website in a week or so?
Bill Brooks
Ottawa, Canada
RV-6A finishing
you got it

Hi Bill,

You pretty much described the tool we've built in a nutshell. The VP-X handles many of those items automatically and/or with software, which is nice. Right now the beta version of the tool allows you to add your devices, set your circuit breaker protections, indicate your backup circuits, configure your alternator (dual or single), etc etc.

Of course, there are always improvements to be made. Sounds like you're planning on a fully redundant system? It will be really interesting to hear you perspective when we go live. There are many things, like backup circuits, that the tool helps you document and plan for, but still requires you to connect some of the dots....

A week is maybe optimistic... :rolleyes: We're probably more like a couple/few weeks out.


I spent a great deal of time planning my VP-200 implementation using a combination of Visio and Excel. The ISV that I worked for eight years was purchased and I was suibsequentially laid off. I had plenty of time to be anal on all the details and properly document the installation. I even built a wire book that could be sorted by any device/connector to facilitate building the harness.

A year later, it became apparent that if I was going to complete my RV-10 this year, I had to make some tough budget decisions. While my preference was to install a VP-200, my budget due to my savings being depleted after being laid off, I decided to switch to the VP-X.

The opportunity that I had was to be able to mimic as much as many as the features/functions that I had designed into the VP-200 based electrical system design using a VP-X. For example, I have dual alternators and dual batteries, which made planning for a E-bus more difficult, but not impossible.

I am about half way through this process at the moment. I'm anxious to see your tool, especially if it will help better document the installation in a more expedient fashion that I'm currently working on in Visio.

Will your tool be able to create locally stored data and/or files that contain printable configuration information? Once data is entered, can it be exported so that the user can archive the data themselves? Perhaps it can be imported again at a later time. You didn't mention Marc's intent for maintaining and archiving completed designs. Additionally, will the printable config option allow for the creation of files that can be stored locally and either printed directly or imported into another application.

If you need another beta tester, I'd be happy to volunteer. Looking forward to seeing your product.


Hi Josh,

Great idea, totally in line with the spirit of Vertical Power products.
Will your online tool produce a file that can be used as input to the VP-X Configurator and then be uploaded to the real unit?
That would nicely complete the chain:D


Hello Josh and Marc

I have to do my electrical scematis soon, also lurking around the VP-X. If you bring this funtion out, I have to go the route with you and VP-X!

I'm able to read an basic design scematics and I'm looking around to fine a software that assits me during this. I do not want to spend hours and hours trying to find out how the software is working and how I can use it propperly.

So if you are doing something, that has the main orientation direction VP and experimental stuff, then it would be REALLY GEREAT :) and will save alot of time to many even more happy customer.

Just a few thoughts:

- Make a export/print function, we have to put them into the POH and must let then signe off from our FAA!

- Make them online available/storable, so the builder on different places (workplace/home/hangar) and maybe his panel builder can have access to it.

- I would also pay for such a service, or VP customers get it for free.

- Would be good if part of the load planing worksheet can be imported, or you include the load planig worksheet in your software.

- Overview/checkup/signoff by a Vertial Power Employee (yes for a few bucks extra)

Thanks alot for your work, cant wait until it will be available!



PS: dont forget the diode signe on the contractor's, otherwise builder will overlook them.
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VP's worksheet import?

This will be a great tool! After Dynon/VP's integration I decided to use the VP-X in my RV-8. It just makes sense.
Will there be an option to import the data from Vertical Power's load planning spreadsheet?
You can use this instead of the Load Planning Worksheet. It is the online equivalent.

At a future date, you can export your on-line configuration to a file that can be imported directly to the VP-X. That means you won't have to manually enter the configuration into the VP-X.
How is the Online System Designer coming

I am wondering how far along this program is as I am in a position for it.

I have my VPX sport and wiring kit and a partially completed load spreadsheet but this thing sounds SWEET!

Thanks Jerry
Beta test


The beta test is going along well. Sounds like you're in the perfect place to try it out. I can probably squeeze one more tester in - I'll shoot you a PM.
Of course one of the major requirements in wiring is to choose the correct wire type - single wire, shielded wire, twisted-pair, or shielded-twisted-pair, appropriate for the function at hand, making sure that your wiring runs don't place high-level signals adjacent to low-level signals, planning for a good single-point ground system, and showing where the shields get terminated on each shielded run, both ends, receiving end, or transmitting end. You must also plan this layout to decompose a wiring bundle to aid in trouble shooting when you have your head under the panel with your back on the floor and your legs up over the seat backs. 'Ever wondered why an engine designer would make it necessary to remove the intake manifold to replace plugs or injectors? You are now taking the place of that designer! You can have the most beautiful wiring layout with everything so nicely laced or clamped, having incredible schematics for trouble shooting, and with each wire tagged with some reference designation, but if your electrical planning doesn't show an excellent knowledge of ground loops and have a large dose of common-mode and RFI-EMI smarts embedded in it, its beauty will be like that of Liz Taylor but accompanied by her screeching and irritating voice. These are the practical things that separate a beautiful, theoretical wiring system from a useful one!
I am also starting my electrical system. I have not even considered Vertical Power but I would be interested in seeing/trying the tool. I see it has been 3 months since it was first announced that it would be released in a "few weeks". I do not have time to sit and wait for it but sounds pretty cool.