If you mean...

Anybody got a source for online Canadian charts, like AOPA for US charts?


...purchase paper charts on-line, then these guys (based in Phoenix, AZ and taking US $$) work well.


But be cautious about expiration dates, they are not printed on the charts.

Data is here...


I found that even Canadian FBOs (one with a very large training operation) did not know these dates, and wanted to sell me an outdated chart. I also found that the Canadian VFR charts did not have the details I am used to from US VFR charts.

This PDF file will give you airport charts -


..but you really need this book, which does not appear to be on-line anywhere -


This book gives those little details you need, like which runways have right hand patterns...:)

...just back from a very pleasant two weeks flying aboot in Alberta and B.C., eh...
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Interesting price difference...

I'm pretty sure we don't have those in Canada. To have all the info, you'll need the VFR charts and the CFS - Canadian Flight Supplement.

The only electronic version I saw was the one that came with FliteStar, the flight planning software from Jeppesen.

You can get the CFS from VipPilot

...$20 for the Canadian Flight Supplement from the link you provided above -- and $29 from the "official" Nav Canada source...

Yeah, VipPilot is an Online only pilot shopping center. They have a limited catalog but the prices are always better. Shipping is really fast for us in Canada. Most of the time I get my stuff the next morning if ordered before 2 PM!!

Their prices for Garmin GPSs and Watches (Citizen Eco Drive) are amazing.