
Well Known Member
This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the start of my -9A build. One year ago I was inventorying my empennage and next week the finish kit ships. In the last year i've managed to keep my wife, my job, and gained a cute little baby girl (6 mo's now). I've logged over 700 hours building, lost 20 lbs. and managed to keep my PPL and IR current. This has been the coolest, most rewarding thing i've done in my life and I still enjoy every minute spent building. One year ago I didn't know what deburring meant and this afternoon i crimped my first BNC connector.

Thanks to the wealth of knowledge on this site and to the vendors of RV parts & accessories & upgrades. Another thanks to all those great build sites too that allow me to stay one step ahead (Smittys, Bruce Hill, Roee, Beaver, Burch etc.).

I've been studying the sliders and my goal over the next year is to wrap up everything but the engine.

no regrets! (except sometimes wishing i'd just done the -12) Sometimes i daydream of trading the 9 in on a 10 someday or maybe building a -3 or -4. next. I wouldn't have it any other way:D


High Points: Unloading the QB Fuse :eek:

Low Points: Never Ending of Deburring, Dimpling, Priming Wings Parts:mad:


trying to bend vent lines:

Favorite Things: Panel & Interior Planning


All this in one stall so far! The rest is in the build log below.
Oh, man, you are indeed livin'. I'm with you buddy. Got 1200hrs on our -9 in the last six years with huge adventures in building and flying. Our -8 project will maybe be birthed this year to join the family... It really can be a cool as it sounds, as you're proving. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Man, I forgot how much I enjoyed drilling out rivets, making piles of bent up junk tubing, and leaving blood in places no one will ever see! You make me want to do it again.

Actually, I discovered I really like building and really do miss going out to the work shop every night. Now that mine is done, nights can get pretty boring. I need another project!
Nice work and great year for you and your family. I am just over a year and just behind you. I started my panel work and hope to pick out my EFIS at SNF next month. I got my engine hung last week and that was a big milestone.

I really like your seats. Where did you get them? They look very nice!
Way to go, Derek !

Thru my 9A build, I found the journey AND the destination to be equally great! These days, the satisfaction of flying a plane I built - on a gorgeous sunny day - is truly indescribable. :D


It's cool to see your progress. I have to say, I'm still on the fence about going with a QB fuse, but you have me leaning towards it. Our daughter is now 16 months old. I am starting to seal up the fuel tanks on our RV10. I'll surely be way behind you by the time next year comes rolling in, but it's good to see you're doing well and still happily married. It's tough to juggle everything, but it can be done! :D