Well Known Member
Today marks the One Year Anniversary since making the First Flight in my RV-12 N737G. Yesterday, we made the 160th flight in the airplane!

Although Tony T. accuses me (sometimes) of being a CC - Chronic Complainer - that's what happens when you're both a pilot and an engineer - always looking for a better way. Nevertheless, I'm here to tell you the RV-12 is truly a GREAT airplane - I like the looks and the performance, and have come to love it more each day.

At one time I was looking at assorted Cherokees, or maybe an RV-9A, but can honestly say if the FAA changed the Third Class Medical rules tomorrow, I wouldn't trade my -12 for anything.

I've documented my Build, Flight Test, and subsequent Flying activities in a section of my website - with some pretty good airborne photos as well. You can find it all here:

Thanks to Vans for a great design.

Bob Bogash
if the FAA changed the Third Class Medical rules tomorrow, I wouldn't trade my -12 for anything.

Bob Bogash

Bob, this is the best compliment you could make about an LSA, particularly coming from a professional pilot. VANs could use it to enhance their marketing of the RV-12, something like: "Hey FAA, dragging your feet about third class certificate? Take this!"...
May be not such a good idea after all, it would only encourage them!
Congratulations on the anniversary Bob. I also enjoy your posts. They always make for interesting reading!
Happy birthday 737G
I built my RV6 as a pilot wanting a gorgeous aircraft - and I got what I wanted.
I'm building my RV12 as a builder, wondering if I will like the finished product.
Your post helps me believe I will love it when it's delivered :)
Happy birthday 737G
I built my RV6 as a pilot wanting a gorgeous aircraft - and I got what I wanted.
I'm building my RV12 as a builder, wondering if I will like the finished product.
Your post helps me believe I will love it when it's delivered :)

What's not to like?:confused: