Mark Henderson

Well Known Member
Today I was countersinking and riveting the W-1212B hinge assemblys (page 14-02 fig 5) It calls for countersinking 2 of the 3 holes next to the com-3-5 bearing. I marked my plan, and the W-1212B-L bracket with the correct call out. I then proceeded to countersink the W-1212B-R bracket. I remembered the "correct" holes to countersink. Of course my markings were on the other bracket. The net result, I got the center hole correct. I screwed up the position of the other countersunk hole.
I called Van's and spoke to Ken. I asked if I had to replace the brackets since I would have 3, not 2 holes with the countersunk rivets. He said I did not have to replace, the strength was the same.
He had a great suggestion, one that I will follow. Do not rely on marking the blueprints or a sharpie mark on the part. If you are not supposed to countersink, or rivet a part, tape over the holes! You might miss the mark you put on the pieces, especially with older eyes. As you start the layout on parts, use tape to clearly mark the holes that you do not need. I have been marking parts with a small sharpie "tick. " It is too hard to see. I also failed to mark the corresponding piece. The result, a countersink in the wrong spot. This time I got away with it. If I had taped both parts with tape when I did the layout, I could not have missed.
I saw in the plans where they called out putting tape over holes. I thought it was to avoid primer mist! Now I know.
