
Well Known Member
Pressure tested my first tank and it passed on the first try. Took me a couple tries to get the balloon to not leak though. Buttoned up the other tank today and will try that one in a few days. I'm seeing the light at the end of the pro seal tunnel!!!! Sorry, couldn't get the pic to rotate.
Nice! I can't quite relate because I went with the QB wings, but I've used enough ProSeal elsewhere to know it's a messy job.

Pressure testing is a great excuse for grown men to play with party balloons! :D
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Nice work. I'm convinced that the tanks are there to make the rest of the build look easy. It's funny that ever since I finished the tanks a couple of weeks ago, I've enjoyed this build so much more. Without the tips from this forum however, I doubt I could have made it.

Well done. It's a great sense of accomplishment.
And yes - without the help from this forum I'd have give-up years ago
You guys aren't kidding about the usefullness of this site and other builders sites. I wouldn't have had the guts to undertake this without that help. I should have mentioned also that I also had an EAA technical advisor fly into the local airport. I picked him up and he looked over the work done so far and gave a thumbs up that everything looked good. He even gave me a ride in his RV6. Wouldn't even let me contribute to the fuel fund either. I'm meeting some great people in this new hobby of mine!!!