
Well Known Member
I'm ->this<- close to having enough spendable cash to order the emp kit. Once my tax refund hits my bank account, oh yeah, it's on. Gonna get the tail and a complete tool kit including DRDT-2 and pneumatic squeezer, and put down the deposit on the wings.

In the meantime, and to give myself at least *some* motivation and the illusion of progress, I ordered the practice kit today. \m/
Congratulations and welcome to the fold. We all started at the point you are right now. Stick with it and you too will experience the RV Grin.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, Just ordered the last major item needed to finish it up, the GTX 327.
Steve, I've had the Grin since last summer, when I got a ride in a -9A. Since then it's been a matter of no place to build, no money, no time, or some combination of all three. Now I've got the place and money. As for time, well... who needs to sleep?

(I kid. Not dumb enough to try pounding rivets whilst nodding off, nor dumb enough to fly in something that I don't actually recall building.)