
Well Known Member
Have to share my excitement with somebody...

Finally had my first solo flight Saturday after ~17 hours of dual in a Cessna 150. Just a few times around the pattern, but what a feeling! Things finally started coming together a couple weeks ago when I figured out the landing flare after many "interesting" attempts, and started to recognize when things were out of whack on approach. Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to this next phase of learning, and flying beyond sight of the airport for the first time in weeks. Let the adventures begin!

Now, back to the demolition of the old chicken coop to make way for the new garage/shop...
I can relate to that feeling. I just soloed the week before OshKosh. I wish I had finished my PPL up a long time ago but just never got it done. Now with the RV taking shape in the shop I have great incentive! Keep up the good work!

I soloed in 1967 but I have to admit that I'm envious of you guys. Just think......to solo AND be on this site with the prospect of building an RV as you approach the PPL.......WOW, I never had that kind of opportunity. You guys are going to have on helluva trip! Welcome,
Congratulations. My solo was only 3 years ago and I still remmeber everything about it. It was the best feeling ever. Now that you have soloed you can begin to build solo hours. To me that was the most enjoyable part of the training. I like everyone else and wanted to run before I could walk. Seems silly now but I thought I was the king when I made my first 25 mile solo cross country trip.
Another congratulations! My first solo was 42 years ago and it's as fresh in my mind as ever, and the flying's just as much fun. You have a lot to look forward to and enjoy. Bill
Put me down as one more envious bystander - because I haven't even started yet! We'll I dont count the ground school DVD's as started anyway... Outstanding bills will be paid off end of year and truck will be paid for next month, so the head of the household says I can start early next year. Something I should have started 20 years ago after visiting the Rutan Aircraft Factory, but never did... :mad:
solo flights

OK, who out there among us on OUR first solo flight did NOT let out a
OOOHHH YAAAAAA!! while downwind abeam the tower (that was me
years ago...I remember it like it was yesterday) :D :D
Way to go! Flying is soooo :cool:
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yeah it did

RV7Guy said:
Way to go. Didn't the plane feel like it was leaning to the left?
when i did it the plane leaned way to the left(i thought) and i just kept screwing it up worse until i realised the ball was out of the cage. almost couldnt bring my self to cage it what a weird feeling. told this to my cfi she said pelease dont tell me your serious. i said only on the first turn to final :eek: then the others were fine :cool:
In 1967 when my 266 lb. instructor got out, that C-150 went up like an RV. Of course there weren't many RVs around then.