
Well Known Member
A good friend of mine wanted a ride and got it.

We entered and exited Canada a dozen times within minutes.

Then explored Lake Ontario shoreline.

Spied on mil specs by Fingers Lakes.

Landed at an airport where half a mile to local McDonalds turned out a 5 miles walk.

Powered by McSteak checked familiar Catskill resort.

Then turned home.

You don't see him but he is THERE. NYPD chopper escorting a cruise ship.

Keep pounding those rivets it's worth it! (Quote by Rosie)
Hope you were on a flight plan for crossing the border into and back from Canada. Those of us living near Detroit know how randomly mean CBP can be. Everything could be OK ... Or ... They could confiscate your plane.
great view of the falls, even better standing right next to it. whoa. :)
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Hope you were on a flight plan for crossing the border into and back from Canada. Those of us living near Detroit know how randomly mean CBP can be. Everything could be OK ... Or ... They could confiscate your plane.

Rich, there is no requirement to be on flight plan over Niagara Falls. However there is a special procedure for scenic tours http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2010-title14-vol2/pdf/CFR-2010-title14-vol2-sec93-81.pdf Good practice is to contact Buffalo approach for advisories. They give you the code, ask if you are familiar with Niagara Falls procedures, inform about altimeter settings and let you go on advisory 122.05. After you are done circling come back to approach let them know where you go. As for confiscating the plane I know at least two laws which allow that I would never cross the line.