Michael Brown

Active Member
Finally finished up my PPL. It has taken me two years with many things getting in the way. I took my checkride out of MQS with a crosswind and gusts to 18. I guess my 55 Hrs Flight Training paid off. Now I just need a tailwheel endorsement to get out of this 150 and into my Dads -4.

...And try to keep the whole "it's a license to learn" thing in your mind every time you fly.
Not Lingbergh

Well done!

A good friend of mine got his PPL at about 17 years old many years ago, and his checkride was administered by an old-school curmudgeon of a pilot who begrudgingly informed him that he had passed. Then waggled a crooked old finger at him, looked him in the eye, and said, "Just remember, you're not #@*%$& Lingbergh!" :)

Good for all of us new pilots to remember.

And good luck transitioning into the front seat of the 4. Your getting spoiled just getting your ticket and jumping right into a 4, Cool.

Good work !

Feels good don't it ! " Airspeed, altitude and brains. Two are always needed to successfully complete the flight" Be cool, the first bunch of hours are a big time learning time and it sounds like your gona have a nice plane to do it in. Gene