
Well Known Member
Found one more good OSH pic that was almost forgotten. A little explanation is in order...

Early in the week at Oshkosh, Falcon Flight did their 15 ship routine. About two hours after the routine was over, and all the planes were back in their spots, along comes a golf cart full of Civil Air Patrol cadets with their ELT-finder equipment. The CAP spends a lot of time at OSH chasing down ELT signals, usually caused by, uh, excessively hard landings. They get, on average, about 10 ELT hits per day during the convention.

Anyway, the CAP leader flagged me down, and told me that they had traced an ELT signal to Area 51, the "sea of RVs." They had identified the offending airplane, and he asked me if I could help him locate the pilot of a particular maroon and black RV-8 with an unusually long nose... Uh, yeah, I think we can do that. A couple quick phone calls, and I spoke to the pilot and got his permission to go in and turn the ELT off.

Of course, a moment like this deserves to be recorded for posterity. Fortunately Dan the Man was right there with his camera, and we got one of the explorer scouts to snap a pic of the "rescue crew."

I hope this one gets by the moderators, one in particular...

Man that is a great looking airplane. WOW!

He must of felt real dumb on his crash landing in front of thousands of people. Geez! Glad that did not happen to me. My buddies would never let me live it down :rolleyes:

Great picture!

Hmm, who was flying it? ;)

Kahuna said:
Man that is a great looking airplane. WOW!

He must of felt real dumb on his crash landing in front of thousands of people. Geez! Glad that did not happen to me. My buddies would never let me live it down :rolleyes:

Great picture!


"Um, it was that *abrupt* turn off the runway to yeild to landing traffic, plus the bumpiness of the turf that musta set off the ELT"..... Yep, and I'll bet that's his words and he's sticking with em too :)...

Hey, I know that airplane! Wonder who musta been flying it that day, the owner *never* has a bad landing...

Too funny..... BUSTED!
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