Thanks for posting that, Axel. I've never been to the Reno races so this birds-eye view is appreciated. Makes one much more aware of how easily a race pilot could lose visual contact / situational awareness with hugely elevated opportunity for collision.

I have always wondered what the turbulence is like at those speeds given the heat, winds, and proximity of other aircraft. I imagine it can be fairly brutal. Is this true?
I have always wondered what the turbulence is like at those speeds given the heat, winds, and proximity of other aircraft. I imagine it can be fairly brutal. Is this true?

Not even close to the turbulance/wake created by aircraft in front of you. The wing vortex coming off the plane in front of you rolls you to the left into the dirt. The only way out of it is to step on the right rudder to get out. Ailerons won't roll you out fast enough.