[email protected]

Well Known Member
new personal record for a single day of flying...

We have now done this trip six times in the RV. Twice with Propdog. Lots of interesting flight data along the way.

for this year

6,354 miles
32.1 hours of flight
292 gallons of avgas

Longest day flying East
2,670 miles
12.7 hours
210 mph


Longest day flying West
2,052 miles
10.6 hours
194 mph











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Man, what a trip! Personally, I don't have the stamina to fly for 12 hrs non-stop. Four hours is my personal limit.
I came home to Prescott one day from Sun N Fun. Four three hour flights. I was beat. Your stamina is admirable but the rewards are worth it. Does your dog adapt to the "wrap" easily? I have participated in threads discussing protection for pets... and still am looking for improvement.
3 hour legs are preferred but it is okay to stretch it up to another hour now and then to deal with weather, rocks, or to trim the number of stops :)

The plane is very comfortable, great views, good seats, music, conversation, snack service... manage fluids.


The plan was for 3 legs to Kentucky with an overnight but lingering weather prompted us to skip the overnight in favor of a fantastic final night flight leg to Florida.

In the right conditions, night flying an RV is spectacular.

Propdog does great with the doggie hoodie, he does not fuss with it at all and appears to be quite comfortable with it on.

Another GREAT example of what you can do with your RV along with the formation, aerobatic and racing!
Dept Time

new personal record for a single day of flying...

We have now done this trip six times in the RV. Twice with Propdog. Lots of interesting flight data along the way.

for this year

6,354 miles
32.1 hours of flight
292 gallons of avgas

Longest day flying East
2,670 miles
12.7 hours
210 mph


Longest day flying West
2,052 miles
10.6 hours
194 mph


So what time did you dept KAWO?
Nice, Looking to make the Trip from X59 to Veronia at the end of the month in my new to me RV 7A. Any advice? Will be flying with Mike Seager, I am sure he has tons.