
Well Known Member
My son Ryan and I got up early on a crazy warm and clear Sunday in February to go have lunch with Mom in South Bend. We had a great trip. Mom was thrilled, and we had some great vistas along the way...... 800 miles in the air, an easy day in the RV.

Somewhere over Western Sconnie after sunrise, some mist in the valleys......


Cool picture, almost looks photo shopped or enhanced!
Glad you had a great day!
4+ hours in the you have Oregon Aero seats?
We do Central VA to South Florida in about 5hrs...tired Butts...
Google Photos

Bob - I applied the B&W filter in Google Photos. It did whatever magic it does!

Cool picture, almost looks photo shopped or enhanced!
Glad you had a great day!
4+ hours in the you have Oregon Aero seats?
We do Central VA to South Florida in about 5hrs...tired Butts...
I was going to say

maybe you should don the O2 cannula - hypoxia can do bad things to your color vision.

Seriously, a neat photo. Ansel Adams neat.
Pete, I've always been a big fan of your photos. This one is extraordinary. Had to google "Western Sconnie," though. Never heard that term before. I didn't realize they had hills there!


Thanks for the kind comments!

Joe - the wife has informed me we will be coming back to your fair state sometime soon. I hope we can connect!

Pete, I've always been a big fan of your photos. This one is extraordinary. Had to google "Western Sconnie," though. Never heard that term before. I didn't realize they had hills there!